Double-Barrel max modification - help & opinions ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2001
Just recently became one of the 4AAA DB´s into my fingers and thought about maybe moding it with some LED - but thinking through it I thought why not use the CPF-proposed voltage-mod (reversing one barrel) to drive the voltage to 6v and have some real tiny really powerful cheappo E1/E2 wannabe competitor (OK - SF lovers don´t throw any rocks now). The bulb used is somewhat bigger than the usuall mag-like T1´s and are named TX15-2 according to the energizer website - so for the mod I would need a TX15-2 bulb with 5-6V - I thought that the DB 8AA might fit (runs on 4AA) but

T2-2 Bi-Pin 4/AAA 2.8 0.550 20
T2-3 Bi-Pin 6/AA 4.2 0.700 54
T2-4 Bi-Pin 8/AA 5.5 0.700 81
TX15-2 Bi-Pin 4 / AA 2.8 0.55 20

the energizer site lists the 8AA to be T2-4 ?

I haven´t one of the (I think older) 6AA/8AA to check against and would be happy if someone could comment on this - would the bulb of the 8AA (820) which seems to be a T2-x would fit in either the 4AA (420) or 4AAA (410) which both use the TX15-2 ?

If this works (if such a bulb does exist) I could imagine a very nice beam out of a not too big flashlight with acceptable runtime. Using the 0,7A rating would give probably 2H on the AAA and 4H on the 4AA on 81lm ..

Ideas & comments wellcome

Klaus, got your email.

I don't have (have not seen) a newer style DB like the 4AAA.

The bulb in my 6AA is rather large, 7 mm diameter. The pins on it are thick, .75 mm. The pins are 4 mm apart (center to center).

Any other info you want?

The 8AA bulb fits after **SLIGHT** modifications - had to enlarge the hole in the reflector a bit as the original bulb is 4,5mm and the 8AA´s is 7MM. The straight 4XAA/AAA instead of the serial/parallel setup is more or less easy - reverse two batts and slightly modify the end-caps to re-do the reverse protection - the switch assembly mod is just a tiny tape&bend-job.

And got the 8AA bulb from Energizer - now thats a nice complete warranty -

Result: nice & REALLY bright - worth the effort - recommended

Cons: Used it only with 700ma/1600mA NiMh´s - might be taking too much from Alkalines to get the same quality/power beam.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Klaus:
Using the 0,7A rating would give probably 2H on the AAA and 4H on the 4AA on 81lm ..

That's really good, you got any pics? What kind of run time does the DB's normally have anyway?


as I measured just around 4.2 to 4.4 V under load using the 8AA bulb using 4AA/4AAA Sanyo NiMh rechargeables I switched the 700ma 8AA bulb rated at 5.5V against the 700ma 6AA bulb rated at 4.2V - even brighter anbd whiter beam now - recommended ! Especially the small 4AAA DB I like a lot now after this tiny but effective modification.



no pics so far - the DB looks as usually and taking pics of the beams I didn´t got into so far - but will look into it and try.

No idea on the runtime of the "normal" DB - there had been other threads on the forum on the DBs earlier - you might check them out - I was modifying the DBs the minute I got them (almost) as I wasn´t impressed with the brightness "out of the box" - now I am - in my setup the runtime I calculated with the NiMh´s is approx 1 hour for the 4AAA and slightly above 2 hours for the 4AA based on the cell capacity and load - the 4AAA might be a bit less as the load is reaching 1C which might decrease the overall capacity a bit - but its my smallest/brightest light so far and I´m quite happy with it - I didn´t did any runtime tests so far with the DB´s as my 50 bucks project light kept me busy.

OOOHH!!! A DB 4AAA actually utilizing 5-6V?? COOL! I have a double barrel 4AAA that i have been wanting to tamper with. I already have it wired for 6V operation but have not seen any bulbs that will accept that kind of voltage. I never thought of using an 8AA bulb. hmmm - a couple of questions:

1) how did you get a bulb from energizer?
2) how did u get it to fit? Dremel the
socket out?
3) what would happen if u used a battery
greater than 700MAH? like the new 800s.
Or alkalines?

COOOL modification!

P.S. Do u have any other lights u can compare it to? Like a SF E1 or E2?

to answer your questions which mostly were talked about already earlier in this thread

1 - at least here in europe - I had to call Energizer for the bulbs as I was unable to buy them anywere else

2 - just enlarge the hole in the reflector from approx 4.5mm to 7mm - as I have no Dremel I just used a knife - the bulb socket itself is OK no need to modify it.

3 - with NiMh´s of 800ma instead of 700ma I would just expect a slightly longer runtime (didn´t saw any 800´s yet) - not really a lower voltage drop / higher voltage - with alkalines I guess you would get a higher initial voltage (so possibly better to use the 8AA bulb) but it would drop rather quickly as we know Alkalines to very fast drop the voltage under heavy load - I think with Alkalines the runtime/cost wouldn´t be as cool - Energizer actually must have had a reason to use the seriel/parallel setup - think about that the 700ma bulbs I´m using in the 4AA / 4AAA were intended for the parallel usage with double AA´s - now in the 4AAA we are running on single AAA´s - using the NiMh´s I believe is the right solution for that load and having the 6AA bulb also available solved the voltage drop problem almost perfectly.

Oh BTW - Energizer rates the L91 Alkaline AA at 0.4 hours to 0.9V under 1000ma load and 2.7 hours to 0.9V at 400ma - so maybe at 700ma load it would be around 1 to 1,5 hours - and this is for AA - with the AAA at less than half the capacity I believe it woudn´t make too much sense - but if you have four spare AAA to kill for a try ?

Sorry - no SF so far available - I compared it against a Mag 3D modified with a 60 lumen halogen bulb and it is pretty much on the same level - but with a nicer beam possibly due to the better reflector. Energizer rates the 6AA at 54 lumens and I´m slightly overdriving it so lumen-wise should be around 60 as well - Pelu mentioned Willie Hunt to have measured the Energizer specs to be a bit marketingdriven but so far for the 6AA I think they seem OK to me - the 8AA bulb is possibly too high speced at 81 lumens anyway as even Energizer themselves rates the flashlight using the bulb just at 60 lumens.
