OK, so I have a surefire E1L that runs through batteries like it's its job - which I suppose it is.
Anyway, I just ran through a battery that probably got less than 20 minutes of actual use over the last several months (a Surefire brand CR 123).
Anybody know of any lights that'll take a partially used CR 123 and still get good light output and/or runtime?
I'm thinking something like the AA ARC lights that I've heard about, where it'll take near dead batteries and still squeeze the juice out.
Anyway, I just ran through a battery that probably got less than 20 minutes of actual use over the last several months (a Surefire brand CR 123).
Anybody know of any lights that'll take a partially used CR 123 and still get good light output and/or runtime?
I'm thinking something like the AA ARC lights that I've heard about, where it'll take near dead batteries and still squeeze the juice out.