Okay - for starters, this looks very well constructed, and presents well. The nice shade of blue compliments the output color very well too ! It is a 473nm pulsed laser - operating as they say, near TEM00. Pulsed lasers are quite different from "normal" lasers, in that there is a simple test to tell if your laser is pulsed or not ! Wave the pointer while on - rapidly....forming either a circle, or a long line. Pulsed lasers output will look like this : --------------- while a CW, or Constant Wave lasers' output will look like this : ____________ That MAY be a huge difference for some folks, but believe me, the output color is enough for me to put up with almost any mode, or type of operation ! The beam is a super bright blue color, described by Dragon to be a saphire color, and I tend to agree with them. It measured in at a healthy 9mw, which is at the top end of the scale of 5-9mw at a $799.99 price tag. Shining this laser thorugh a mangifying glass, and projecting the dot on the wall, I could swear I saw the beam in TEM01 mode - but my wife dissagrees with me, stating that it is one, solid beam. I will take some pics of it this evening, and hopefully get a nice clear shot of the projected dot, and let YOU choose which mode it appears to be in. now, like I previously stated - almost any mode of operation or beam spec is acceptable to me - just seeing the bright blue beam at night is a HUGE PLUS to me ! It is simply an amazing piece of artwork to me - never having seen one in person before !
This laser uses the CR2 batteries - which is an unusual configuration - but it works well for this laser. It helps to keep the body size to a minimum, while providing the long life of a lithium battery. I will post many pictureds this evening - of the beam, dot size, unit itself, and give my over-all and lasting impression of this laser.
The beam is most definitely TEM00 - here is a shot of the beam under 32X magnification from 200 ft away :
From 200 ft away @ 16X:
From 200 ft away @ 16X:
From 200 ft away @ 8X:
From 200 ft away @ regular:
Here's my first experiment with timed exposure - my handwritting sucks, but it still looks COOL ! (outdoor edit)
Here is a timed exposure showing off the 9mw Dragon Lasers Aurora, the X-85 from NOVA, and a 50mw 660nm red DIY laser: (outdoor edit)
Here is a nice beam shot : (outdoor edit)
Another beam shot :
And another :
And another attempt at writting : (outdoor edit)
Another (can you tell I was having FUN ? ) (outdoor edit)
Another : (outdoor edit)
And of course, my Daughter's contribution : (outdoor edit)
To sum this all up - This laser kicks some serious A$$ ! The unique blue color is a very exotic and intoxicating display of technology - at the price tag of $799 for the 9mw version, it is not to be had very cheap, nor is it for everyone due to the "quasi-CW" output of the laser, but I for one find it an extremely desireable laser, and would not mind adding a few of them to my collection of lasers ! This does not light up the room as much as a greenie does of the same power levels, it does however provide the unique blue glow, drawing stares from far and wide - bringing people towards you better than any type of magnet designed to entice people away from what they are doing. I had to re-do many of my shots, due to the fact that all of my neighbors kept coming around and checking out what I was doing with all the lights in my garage, and in my driveway ! Top notch device this is, and I WILL be purchasing one as soon as my budget allows - I simply cannot do without BLUE for much longer - my addiction has been sated temporarily, but now I hunger for even MORE BLUE....hopefully I will be able to get one or more soon, and take some more fantastic pictures - Dragon Lasers gave me the opportunity of a lifetime, they fulfilled my fantasy of owning a blue laser - even if it was for just a short period of time. Thank you VERY much Dragon Lasers for giving me this opportunity to show off your wares ! (outdoor edit) (outdoor edit)
The last one is MY FAVORITE PICTURE !!!
All of the laser drawings were done with a 7 second shutter delay on a Canon S2iS !
This laser uses the CR2 batteries - which is an unusual configuration - but it works well for this laser. It helps to keep the body size to a minimum, while providing the long life of a lithium battery. I will post many pictureds this evening - of the beam, dot size, unit itself, and give my over-all and lasting impression of this laser.
The beam is most definitely TEM00 - here is a shot of the beam under 32X magnification from 200 ft away :
From 200 ft away @ 16X:
From 200 ft away @ 16X:
From 200 ft away @ 8X:
From 200 ft away @ regular:
Here's my first experiment with timed exposure - my handwritting sucks, but it still looks COOL ! (outdoor edit)
Here is a timed exposure showing off the 9mw Dragon Lasers Aurora, the X-85 from NOVA, and a 50mw 660nm red DIY laser: (outdoor edit)
Here is a nice beam shot : (outdoor edit)
Another beam shot :
And another :
And another attempt at writting : (outdoor edit)
Another (can you tell I was having FUN ? ) (outdoor edit)
Another : (outdoor edit)
And of course, my Daughter's contribution : (outdoor edit)
To sum this all up - This laser kicks some serious A$$ ! The unique blue color is a very exotic and intoxicating display of technology - at the price tag of $799 for the 9mw version, it is not to be had very cheap, nor is it for everyone due to the "quasi-CW" output of the laser, but I for one find it an extremely desireable laser, and would not mind adding a few of them to my collection of lasers ! This does not light up the room as much as a greenie does of the same power levels, it does however provide the unique blue glow, drawing stares from far and wide - bringing people towards you better than any type of magnet designed to entice people away from what they are doing. I had to re-do many of my shots, due to the fact that all of my neighbors kept coming around and checking out what I was doing with all the lights in my garage, and in my driveway ! Top notch device this is, and I WILL be purchasing one as soon as my budget allows - I simply cannot do without BLUE for much longer - my addiction has been sated temporarily, but now I hunger for even MORE BLUE....hopefully I will be able to get one or more soon, and take some more fantastic pictures - Dragon Lasers gave me the opportunity of a lifetime, they fulfilled my fantasy of owning a blue laser - even if it was for just a short period of time. Thank you VERY much Dragon Lasers for giving me this opportunity to show off your wares ! (outdoor edit) (outdoor edit)
The last one is MY FAVORITE PICTURE !!!
All of the laser drawings were done with a 7 second shutter delay on a Canon S2iS !