Dressy Flashlight?

ACMarina said:
What wine goes with a Thor??

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Maybe a Surefire Winelight / Winelight II?

(Yeah, lame joke, but I couldn't resist. I'll probably look at this post a few minutes from now and kick myself for being so lame...)
scudinc said:
Though I love them, Surefire lights are all astoundingly ugly.

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HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!?! j/k but I dont understand how you find one of the most well manufactured lights on the planets ugly.
Sorry Mags, but I don't fing SF's to be the most attractive lights either. They look like they are tough and meant for law enforcement/military use, which they are.
MaxaBaker said:
Sorry Mags, but I don't fing SF's to be the most attractive lights either. They look like they are tough and meant for law enforcement/military use, which they are.

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You need to handle an E2e-SG in person. It's a closest thing to a work of art they have.

But as for true art on an unlimited budget, try a McGizmo custom. Those are lights so pretty I wouldn't dare use even if I could afford them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif
An Arc LS twisty mod that has been polished or the Katokichi CR2 work great. Occasionally the E2E SG is in my jacket pocket. I don't were tuxes anymore but suits, that's a different story.

Polished, now we're talking!

How about this - I take an old Infinity, grind down the tab to make it smooth, pop the LED out, bead blast and polish it, then have a Luxeon stuck in there. How's that sound? Not only would it be cool, it would be something I could do mostly on my own. .
Gee, where to start?

Tuxedos, sometimes called "black tie" or "semi-formal" by those of us of a certain age, are cut differently than are business suits. There isn't a lot of room in the pockets for a lot of crap. If you have much more than a money clip, credit card, and driver's license in one pocket, and a car key and house key in the other, you will have lumps in your trousers pockets (and not the kind that is going to get you a lot of extra dates, either, if you follow my drift). It just isn't going to look "right". Many tuxs do not have rear trousers pockets. (The trousers for formal wear, also called "white tie" or "tails", frequently do not even have front pockets. So if you are going full formal, somebody else is going to have to carry your stuff.)

So, if you absolutely must carry a flashlight when wearing black tie, you might check out this item, reviewed by our friend at the LED Museum here. Pay particular attention to the dimensions, and runtime of this little jewel. If you order it from the manufacturer, they will eat the shipping charge, so you come out a couple of bucks ahead of where you will be if you order it from the retailer also listed in the review.

If you really are looking for a really small flashlight, and want something with a bit more pizzazz than a $1 plastic / coin cell light from County Comm or wherever (not that there is anything wrong with those - they are great for what they are), this might work for you. FWIW. And, as always, YMMV.
Even the SG SF's have that "tough" look to them.
I would say an LS, bead blasted or highly polished. How about that brass FireFly they just auctioned?
I do like the HAIII finish too, but for dressy stuff, the "natural" color doesn't seem all that appealing for some reason. Personally, I like black stuff, but people don't seem to like using black dies when they go the HA route.
That Fire Fli is terribly small! Holy smokes, man!

Well, I'm thinking about taking one of my old Infinities and bead blasting it, then having a Kydex holster made to carry it paddle holster style, so you could wear it with any type of pants. I'd go with a nice Lux conversion, at the same time I have my Arc redone. I figure if James Bond can carry a PPK in his tux, I should be able to fit a small flashlight /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I've only had it a couple of days, but I'm loving my brass Peak Solutions 3 LED AAA. Kurt at Peak removed the tail section for me to leave me with a really fine looking light almost exactly 2 3/4" in length. Its very small & really elegant looking. I carry in a small vertical pocket that I've sewn inside the front pocket of my pants.
Thor 15 MCP

Beef, not chicken

Soup, not salad.

Cabernet, california '97 or else CNP 2000, finally perhaps a Rioja if that's all that's left.

the Thor won't embarass you like the smaller e2d, etc, lights.
DoubtingBeliever said:
I've only had it a couple of days, but I'm loving my brass Peak Solutions 3 LED AAA. Kurt at Peak removed the tail section for me to leave me with a really fine looking light almost exactly 2 3/4" in length. Its very small & really elegant looking. I carry in a small vertical pocket that I've sewn inside the front pocket of my pants.

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Your timing is exquisite. You may have one of the last of these sold. Take a look at the string over in Manufacturer's Corner about these disappearing from Peak's website, and the reason why.