E1, Maglite 2AA w/ xenon, UKE 2L, UKE 2AAA

Joe Talmadge

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2000
Silicon Valley, CA
Just picked up an E1 ($55 from Leach), so thought I'd do a quick
comparison of my smallest lights. All lights tested had brand new batteries.

I have the side-by-side model of the UKE 2AAA. It's nearly small and
light enough to be keychain sized, and comes with a clip so it's easy to
mount. The hot spot had a very nice white color, though it was more
spider-shaped than round -- a very small hot core with white arms
radiating out. The amount of light this tiny light puts out is very impressive.
I've heard the 2AAA Princeton Tec puts out (the Blast?) has a similar or
slighter better output and possibly better hot spot, though doesn't come with
a clip for mounting.

The Maglite 2AA with the Brinkmann high-output bulb was more
impressive than the UKE 2AAA, but really, not by that much. The
Maglite's hot spot was bigger than the UKE 2AAA, though a bit yellower.
The total output was a bit more than the UKE 2AAA.

The E1 was a step up from the other two lights, with a much smoother
hotspot than the other two, although my E1 does have a shadow in the
center. Total light output is more than the other two. Pretty easy to notice
the difference, both for short- and long-range use. 'course, the light also
cost 5x more than the above lights.

The UKE 2L shouldn't really have been tested in this group, it's a good
amount brighter than the others, both its hotspot and total light output.

Thanks Joe. I have enough small lights. My purchasing plans are for medium and large lights. Maybe I could get it for my wife for Christmas. Yeah. That's it

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

[This message has been edited by DavidW (edited 09-18-2000).]
What is the lowest price you have found on the E1? Please post the online retailer's url.
Thanks Joe for comparing E1 to MAG2AA, UKE2AA, & UKE2L.

By saying that E1 is brighter then MAG2AA and UKE2AA gives me the idea that it is above those 2 flashlights but still just how bright it really is ... is still big question.

Comparing it to UKE2L or other brighter flashlight completes the picture because now I know the limit of its brightness and I can now position E1 in my crude brightness scale.

Others might say.. maybe subjective, but works for me.

By the way.... are Lightmeters reliable tools for measuring brightness?
