E1 -vs- E2 image?


Mar 11, 2001
Anyone want to post a image showing the E1 vs the E2 surefires? Those of us with 3P's and 6P's can guess but I've seen a lot of posts asking if they should go with the E1/E2 and I think a image with their output and also their relative size would go a long ways to helping that decision.
You might want to look back a couple of weeks. Brock posted both the view of the beams and a side by side comparison.

I have both and the E2 wins hands down. If you get one you will wonder how you got along without one.
I must be blind, I tried going through all of Brock's old posts and E1/E2 posts for the last month and didn't find anything.

I did find one that showed the size of the two lights and some beams, but not specifically the E1 and E2 beams in the same picture.
I know this isn`t my topic but....<font size="1">(hope my HTML works here)</font>

<font size="5">WOW! Those things are TINY!!!</font>


I never imagined they were quite that small! I have just GOT to get me an E1 or E2 NOW! (Probably the E2)!

Pity I`m all spent out on LED lights, guess I`ll just have to wait.

(curse those smiley nazis! 8? Not enough!!!!)
Odd... Tim's photo of the E1 beam looks round ... is this an effect of the camera? My E1's beam is not round...
All the E1 beams I've seen in "real-life" have got round beams.

I think Brock's E1 has a round beam from his photos (should check this)

What shape beams does everyone else's E1 have?

Both my E2 and E1 have nice round beams. I like that much better than the oval ones in some of the other Surefire lights.

Ditto here too. My E1 and E2 both have circular beams. Although, upon really close inspection of both beams, each flares out the tiniest bit at two parts of the beam at opposite ends of each other preventing an absolutely perfect circle. It is hard to identify without close inspection.

After further close inspection of the E-beams, does anyone else have these small flares in their beam which prevent it from being truly "perfect"? I am tempted to say that all the beams have this, it seems to be something in the way the bulb is positioned in the lamp. Any thoughts on this????

Bucky, yup mine are the same. Unless I shine them at a white wall and look closely I can't see it. You know it almost looks like the filament wires, either end that is. I wonder if that is the reflection of the filament in the reflector? Also looking very closely at it makes a U sort of shape. But this is me looking very closely, most people would see a nice circle of light

Are you sure your P90 Lamp Module is not an exception. Have you talked to SureFire Customer Service? Maybe if you send it to them, they'll send you a Lamp Module which is more representative of the high quality output we expect.

My experience of Lamp Modules is very good. I've never been upset with the shape. On the whole, I'd say that the P60 lamps have improved. Unless SureFire is told that some lamps are not up to their and our high expectations, they won't know there's any issues they need to tighten such as Beam quality control.

The best way of letting them know is to call them. It's free after all!

My 9P had an oval shaped beam for both the P90 and the P91. I think the best beam of any light I have is the E2 beam. My P60 lamps have a very tight center to them whici I don't find as useful. My P61 is has a relatively circular beam, but not as much as the E2. My P61 also has a dark circle within the bright center. It is rather odd. I keep thinking that it is some dirt or film on the bulb, but I have wiped it off several times nad the dark spots remains.

After testing most of my lights again each other after receiving my E2, I was again amazed at the brightness of the P61. I know it lasts for only 20 minutes and all, but man oh man is it bright. A hipo lamp for the E2 would just be amazing. Anything at or above 100 lumens would just be great form a light that small. Now that I have my E2 I feel like the G2 and Scorpion will see little use and the M2 not much more use, except for when I need the P61 lamp. The E2 really is a revolution, I hope they expand on it and start to offer more options on it in the future.
I think the beauty of the E2 is in it's small, light, simple style which maybe tainted by adding features which SureFire offer across it's range of Classic, G, D, C, Z and M Series Flashlights.

I've always been a fan of the P61. The output is amazing and a high output E2 Lamp Module would be nothing short of incredible!

100Lu+ would be something so very speical for a flashlight the size and weight of the tiny E2. I hope that SureFire do make it!

I am not talking about features that will compromise the E2's size like a combatgrip or anti-roll bezel. The three things I would really like to see in the E2 are: waterproof even for shallow diving, high output lamp and pyrex lens. None of those things would compromise the small size of the E2 except the waterproorness which may require another O-ring somewhere which may add slightly to the overall length.

Okay, I understand now!

Someone suggested making the HA versions of the Executive Series waterproof. I believe this would add a little length to the flashlight. The advantages of this would be Pyrex Lenses, and the TailCap would be a LockOut version (sealed switch).

So if you wanted the smallest possible flashlight, the GM [or Black HA] versions would be fit the bill, but if you wanted waterproofness, the Millennium Grey HA version is for you.

Bucky, I really want the SureFires to be waterproof. I think the route I've outlined above would be a possible solution. I'd also like to see a waterproof G2 with LockOut TailCap and Pyrex Lens as an option for those willing to pay a bit more for the enhanced spec.

I think I might remember who suggested that the HA version E2 be waterproof

I think that the E2 will soon be offered with some or all of our suggestions, the only problem is when. I have had my GM E2 for only a couple day and I am already craving something "better". SureFire has shown that it understands that the consumer likes different options for each light and I am confident that the E2 will enjoy the same treatment as other SF lights. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later

I'd like to see a E2 with a lock out tailcap and waterproof and shock resistant bezel too, however I'd like to see it as a ME2 or something while still having the E2 available.

My reasoning for this is simple, cost.

A 6P light can be had for $50 bare bones. The M2 however is around $110, though it does come with a spare bulb.

So in theory a waterproof E2 with those features is probably going to be $110 or so if they follow suit with cost increase from the 6P/M2.

So I think the reason surefire has not done that at least not yet, is they want some lower cost lights to be available as well.

I'm not enough of a light addict I guess, cause to be honest I probalby wouldn't drop $110 for a E2 even if waterproof.

I'd say the same with the G2, the whole idea with the G2 was a lower cost alternative to the 6P. Maybe they could follow with a MG2 a lower priced alternative to the M2.

I saw on www.equipped.org an E2 with a lanyard tailcap that was waterproof for a special event, i think it was a race around the world ( No kidding) and this guy was going to do it on a helicopter, and surefire specially made the waterproof tailcap with lanyard for him.

Obiously the momentary switch bit the dust but it´s a nice option.
