E1b Milky-mod beamshots


Newly Enlightened
Jul 26, 2008
Before I sent Milky my E1b, worn from being my EDC until I got a Novatac 120P, I took some pics of how it lit up my basement. Now that I've got it back, with the multimode options Milky has added, I'm happy to be carrying it again. Anyway, on with the pics, for the curious, to compare high pre-mod on single 123, and high post mod on RCR123.

My Basement with lights on:


Pre-mod High:

Post-mod High:

I think the extra lumens are obvious, but my favorite part about this Creemator Noir is as I mentioned above the new modes added by the Acorn driver. Very nice.

You really need to use the Creemator outside to appreciate how bright it is.
Its a great little pocket size flamethrower :devil:
Thank you for the comparison pics.

I have three Creemator Noirs that I bought already modded. I have never had a stock E1B. I was considering buying one just to see how much brighter Milky made them.

Is this light running the AcornHC 1.3 'Bailey' firmware?

It would be helpful (and greatly appreciated) if you could take another picture of the Creemator on the second highest level. I wonder if that approximates the stock E1B output?
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