E1e and leatherman S2 pouch?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 30, 2004
New Mexico, USA
The subject line says it all. I have found, for the time being, my perfect combo. Only problem, is that I would prefer to carry them on my belt. Does anyone know of any cases? even someone who might specially make them from leather or nylon?
you help in this matter is greatly appriciated.
Yes, check Ripoffs. I had a similar situation. I wanted to carry my L4 with McE2S, Leatherman Wave and my EMT tools. Ripoffs had exactly the right holster.

SOEgear.com makes an "E2" nylon holster with a very secure quick-release flap and quick-release belt-loop, in O.D. or black, that fits an E1e/KL1/FO4 perfectly. It will be a little too long for a "clean" E1e, but I guarantee that it will never fall out or get lost. The "E2" holster also fits a "clean" E2e (or E2e/F04 or L1/FO4, but with less purchase area on the closure flap). For anything longer (L2/FO4,L4/FO4,A2), I think you will have to go with their "A2" holster, and indeed, I prefer it even for the E2e/FO4 or L1/FO4.

Hope this helps.
I use the RipOffs CO-37 for both Leatherman Juice and ARC LS/ARC4. You can get them from Filmtools. These are made for the Surefire E1e and Leatherman Juice. I have been using two of these for my EDC for about two years with complete satisfaction.