E1E w/KL1 vs. L1


Newly Enlightened
Mar 5, 2004
North Texas
I've been wanting a smaller light (than my A2) and I was thinking of an L1. I have a Q-III, but want (!!!) another Surefire. Well, the opportunity has arisen to get an E1E with a KL1 head.

Given your druthers, what would y'all do?

I have both and strongly recommend the Aleph2 over the KL1. Both are great but the Aleph beam is fantastic. Very useful.
GarageBoy this is correct a McE2S with the propor resistor vaule would make a E1e with a KL1 head pretty much the same as a L1.
For high it should be about 1 hour and low it greatly depends on what resistor vaule you get /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
Will the Aleph II have the same size hotspot as the KL1 ? I thought the Aleph II was the pure flood reflector with the PR/A1 being the compromise(it's only redeeming feature)
Here's another take on L1 vs. E1E/KL1. How will you usually carry it? If you carry it in a shirt pocket, the L1 is much better. The little bit of extra length balances the light better, and the slightly larger body makes the clip tighter. The E1E/KL1 is top heavy and will fall out of a shirt pocket quite easily.

If you are going to carry it in a pants pocket, the E1e/KL1 is better because it's shorter, although both are pocketable in this way.
Thanks MrBenchmark! That was the decision I took.

The thread was quite interesting in the arcane twists it took from what I thought was a simple question. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Really, though, thanks guys! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/clap.gif
MrBenchmark said:
Er, which one did you choose in the end? I'm, uh, slow...

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not slow, I was just a bit daft last night! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/oops.gif

I went with the E1E with the KL1 head. The fellow I bought it from is also sending the original incandescent head as well, but I'm loving the LED stuff.