E2 has oval beam


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
My recently arrived E2 has an oval shaped center beam. According to Brock's pictures and from what I read, I thought it was supposed to have a round shaped beam. Has anybody else experience this with their E2. Not a real big deal althought I would prefer the traditional round beam. It's a gun metal grey color as opposed to the HA if that makes any difference.

Comparing it to my 8AX, I would say it's maybe 75 percent as bright. Just slightly dimmer in the center then the 8AX but not nearly as much peripheral light. Why did Surefire, not use a tailcap switch on the 8AX like they do on most of their other lights? It's so much more convenient.
Both of my E-2's(actually now mine and the one my wife stole)have round beams.
They are HA's though.

Have you tried removing and re-seating the bulb? It could just be a fluke with the bulb and the manner this one is mounted.

Nice light, and I can't wait to get an 8nx. Even if its only 25% brighter.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by horn:

Nice light, and I can't wait to get an 8nx. Even if its only 25% brighter.

Just a quick estimation on my part. Actually, probably the 25 percent increase should apply to the center beam only. When you compare the two light outputs side by side, the 8X definately carries substantial more clout.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by horn:

Have you tried removing and re-seating the bulb? It could just be a fluke with the bulb and the manner this one is mounted.


I just removed the bulb and took a closer look. The glass part of the lamp assembly protudes from the plastic at a slight angle instead of straight up. Could this cause the oval ring?
Both of our bulbs here are straight out.

I wouldn't say for certain in your case but I think you got a pretty solid guess.
Geepondy check your email and drop me a line over what you want to do.
I have had 4 MN03 lamp modules so far. Two have crooked bulbs but all the beams have been very round. However, one unit got stuck in the bezel and got lodged in the bezel so that it was not fully seated. It gave an oval beam until I managed to pry it out and file down the plastic pieces so that it would slide in and out freely. If yours is stuck, be careful pulling it out. It goes to pieces if you pull on the metal contacts on the bulb assembly.

Sure fire says this is a defect and will replace the bezel.