E2 or 6P??


Mar 27, 2001
Any one have the dimensions & weight of the E2 vs 6P?

Between those two which would you choose?
I have both units you are asking about. I prefer the E2 and would bet almost everyone who responds will too. Just too easy to carry and conceal. It's about an inch shorter and is thinner.

You dont mention how you intend to use it or to carry it. Most will agree there is no comparison the E2 wins hands down...
No comparison, E2 wins hands down

The E2 is shorter, lighter, has a longer runtime, and a better beam shape (IMO). Most definitely go for the E2.

Yep, I've got the info you want.

6P: -4.9" overall length (new model 2001
lockout tail cap is 5.15");
-1.0" diameter barrel, 1.245" dia. bezel
-5.0 oz
-65 lumens for 60 minutes (P60)/120
lumens for 20 minutes (P61, optional)

E2: -4.5655" overall length
-0.7921" dia. barrel at the end of
the tail cap tapering from .89125"
immediately before the bezel, 0.970"
dia. bezel.
-1.9 oz (empty)
-60 lumens for 75 minutes (MN03)/25
lumens for 3 hours (MN02, optional, soon
to be released)/high output lamp ???-
hopefully it will be viable.

Using that math, and the fact the the 6P prints more in a not-so-good way when carried in the pocket (good if you're at a bar I guess
), the E2 is the hands down winner for me!

Thanks for the rating whomever voted!

Here's a picture of the E2 and 6P next to each other (ignore the other lights
Thanks for the info and opinions. Seems like everyone is sold on the E2. Yeah, its smaller size and longer runtime is very attractive.

Okay, Bucky mentioned about better beam shape. That's a plus. What about longevity and robustness of the lamp module, i.e. P60 vs. MN03?

OTOH, the 6P has the option of the high power lamp (P61). Actually, does anyone go for that? The 120 lumens is great but only for 20 mins.

Sorry for so many questions. I'm an absolute newbie at flashlights so expect more questions...
Why is the E2 so much narrower than the 6P. If it uses the same battery, how is all that extra volume being used in the 6P?
To be honest, the MN03 hasn't been around that long so we don't know, but based on my experience, all SureFire Lamp Modules are now more stable then a year or so ago. I've never broken a P60 or P61 (Although I've tried with the new M2 and thrown the G2 about quite a bit)

I have the P61 in the new M2, and love it! It's just so bright. So much light from such a small flashlight. I tend to swap to the P60 after 10-15 minutes or when I start seeing a drop in peak blinding whiteness when used 'momentary flash' style (most of the time)

We have been lead to understand from various sources that a ~100Lu E2 Lamp Module is in the works - early days yet.

Gentlemen, while the E2 is no doubt a fine light, you are being sucked in by its CQ (Cuteness Quotient).

Realistically, and I mean something other than might, could, possibly or I can envision a scenario, is there a true bona fide reason why the E2 is that much better than the 6P? If you look at the specs, the difference in length isn't very much, the diameter probably inconsequential and except for the clip, I don't think there's that much to get excited about. Really.

From my view of not owning either a E2 or 6P, I think the latter is the keeper and the former more of an infatuation for those who already own a 6P. There's nothing wrong with infatuation but I don't think it is the right call here.

For those who think the E2 style (small 6v with a clip) is the only way to go, how come I don't see too many posts citing the negative features of the other SF 6v units?

My point is this: I'd like to have an E2 but I think it is a tremendous stretch to say that it wins hands down over the 6P. There aren't too many situations where the minimal physical differences are that important. Kuddos to SF for putting a lot of light/technology into the E2 but the Oscar goes to the 6P.

For my biases: I'm not a LE member. I own the following SF lights - E1, G2, 9P and M3.
I think it's basically to do with it's tiny size. The difference makes all the difference when it's in your pocket. So I think the difference is very clear. If only the G2 could be that small!

I want a small bright flashlight. The E2 appears to fit the bill. I have the larger Millennium Flashlights, and their size is balanced against their light output, and tough features. I accept that inorder to have this huge amount of light, I have to put up with carrying the likes of the M3T and M6 in an external pouch or large coat pocket.

Sure I think most of us are in love with the E2, but those who actually have it aren't writing about how maybe the 6P would have been a better buy.

I think this love affair will increase when SureFire releases additional lamps for it!

I think you make a very good point but has anyone, myself included, ever fallen out of love with a prior SF purchase? Of course not. I don't think a 6P owner would have second thoughts after buying an E2.

Now if I walked up to a counter, being a newbie, I think that I'd be more impressed with the 6P and its progeny all things considered. (SC1, HO lamp, larger reflector area, hand filling heft, hex head) I do think that the new M2 shames the 6P but that's a another subject for its own thread.

Finally, do we have any definite, take it to the bank, word on when a new HO E1 lamp is going to be available and the expected runtime and lumens? That might make the E1 the small light winner.
I used to carry a D2 with a P60 at work and a UKE 2 AAA light on me all the time. Now that I have the E2 I carry that on me all the time. The D2 was just to large to carry on a regular basis, and the UKE did an ok job. The E2 gives me the punch of the D2 with a smaller and lighter body. So for me this is a great light.

I guess I would recommend the E2 for anyone because it isn't much more $ than a D2 (if you are looking for a 2L light with a clip). I always try to recommend a light based on how people will use it. To me the use is the most important factor in choosing the actual light. But if I am asked my favorite light, the E2 is now it.


I think it may take owning the E2 firsthand to appreciate how small it really is. It is truly appreciably smaller than either the 6P, M2 or G2. It also is much lighter which really makes a difference as well.

Putting aside the size for a moment though, the E2 to me puts out a nicer more useful beam than the P60 AND it lasts 25% longer per set of batteries. Even if the E2 was the same size as the 6P I would rather have the E2 because of those two aspects. Add to those things a light that is smaller and lighter and has a pocket clip, and to me you have clear winner - the E2

I do not know of anyone who has the E2 who thinks that their old 6P is better. If you get an E2, I assure you that you will not be disappointed
