e2 or e2e?


May 25, 2001
I have decided to buy my first surefire. should i get the e2 or wait for the e2e?
I have an E2 & consider it my favorite light. One of the things I like most about it is the small size. The E2e appears it will be larger. Will probably stick with the E2. TX

Waterproof, Pyrex Lens, Better Pocket Clip, Anti-Roll Bezel, Lockout Tailcap...and yes, a tiny bit bigger
. Either way make sure to get the Hard Anodized version.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlackBart:
Probably a stupid question, but...
What are the differences between the E2 and the E2E?

Le'see here. I'd have to guess:

"Waterproof, Pyrex Lens, Better Pocket Clip, Anti-Roll Bezel, Lockout Tailcap...and yes, a tiny bit bigger"

(See, there are no dumb questions here - just dumb answers

I just made the choice myself, and went with the "classic" E2. The only thing I'd like from the E2e is the Pyrex lens. The E2 is plenty waterproof, the clip is great, it doesn't roll because of said clip, and you can lock out the tail switch very easily.

There is something about that anti-roll bezel that just makes me want to whip out my giant Crescent wrench and tighten the thing.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucky:

Waterproof, Pyrex Lens, Better Pocket Clip, Anti-Roll Bezel, Lockout Tailcap...and yes, a tiny bit bigger
. Either way make sure to get the Hard Anodized version.


Sorry if I was not clear in my post, I meant to list the features that the E2e has that the E2 does not.

You mean that's not what those sides on the bezel are for!? Uh oh, well the HA finish looks just fine, but I need a wrench just to change bulbs now....<kiddin'>

Also, how soon do you want the torch? My understanding (from Surefire board) is that E2e's unveiled at SHOT before going on sale. E2's are out now (provided you can find one).
I think the E2 is available, just not in HA finish. I have the Gun Metal & like it a lot. Of course Darell has already promised to send me his after the new wears off & he decides he doesn't want it any more
(fat chance!)TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:

...and you can lock out the tail switch very easily...


It's been my experience that, while I can't truly "lock out" the tail switch, it is in fact very easy to lock out the bezel. Even 1/4 turn will do it. I recommend a full turn for security when belt/holster carried. However, I couldn't guarantee it for pocket carry where it might be constantly jostled by other materials.

Another advantage of the "lock out bezel" is that the E2 can be very conveniently used in "traditional flashlight mode" rather than "tac mode" which requires the use of the rear tail button. Simply tighten the tailcap until ignition, then hold it in the "old fashiooned" underhand grip, ease off the bezel and you have a perfect little "flashlight. The clip acts as a very handy thumb switch.

With this feature (of which many flashaholics may be unaware), I have never really felt the need for a lockout tail cap.

Please note that this trick does NOT work with the 6P and its clones.

Best regards,

PS, I prefer the E2. It has a beautiful jewel-like look which is compromised by the more tech/tac look of the new version.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JackStraw:
Also, how soon do you want the torch? My understanding (from Surefire board) is that E2e's unveiled at SHOT before going on sale. E2's are out now (provided you can find one).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK: when is the SHOT show? And does the E2e have a clicky tail switch, or just the lockout (only) tailswitch?

I just put an extra spring in the tailcap of all of my SureFire lights, and never a problem, so far.

What is a reasonable date to expect to be able to buy one; and not at full list from SureFire; preferably at a discount from TTS or AZGR.

Any idea of the cost compared to the older E2?

A lockout tail switch has no appeal to me.

The hexnut bezel...why? The E2 doesn't roll, with the clip on it.

Pyrex lens? only if the lamp gets turned on accidently, or are there other advantages I don't know about?

That little trick actually does work quite well, but there are some drawbacks. First, it would not take much to rotate the bezel a very slight bit while in a bag or pocket or so forth. I think storing a light like that, ready to be activated by turning the clip, would be even more likely to drain the batteries in storage than just by the accidental depression of the tailcap button that often happens now. If you are simply talking about using that method while having the light in hand, then of course those problems do not present themselves.

Also, loosening the bezel like that seriously compromises the waterproofness of the light. Again not a problem most times, but obviously it would be near water.

Thanks for the great idea though, for just using around the house that is a really cool way to activate the E2.

The pyrex lens makes the light more waterproof and there is a rumor(there are always rumors) of a high output lamp for the E2e (100 lumen). I will wait to get the E2e because it will not be that much bigger just a hair and I want all the extra features that have been posted.
SHOT show Feb. 2-5 Las Vegas, Nevada.

Lockout tailcap only, no clickie.

My guess for reasonable date for E2e availability from AGR/TTS etc. is mid-February at the VERY earliest.

I would think the E2e would probably cost about $10-15 more than the E2 from your favorite retailer. This is only a guess.

A pyrex lens from my understanding allows the possibility of a high power lamp for the E2 down the road, allows the lens to be better protected against melting and scratches, and allows for improved waterproofness.

any idea on how much that 100 lumen lamp will cost when its released? 10 bucks is already a lot for the 60 lumen. if you drop your light the wrong way your out the money.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrchri5:
any idea on how much that 100 lumen lamp will cost when its released? 10 bucks is already a lot for the 60 lumen. if you drop your light the wrong way your out the money.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I guess it should be more or less the same as its 60 lumen.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucky:
Sorry if I was not clear in my post, I meant to list the features that the E2e has that the E2 does not.


Hmm. Well, once again, it's the same list that has been posted. So, one more time - The E2e has: "Better waterproofness, Pyrex Lens, Better Pocket Clip, Anti-Roll Bezel, Lockout Tailcap...an is a tiny bit bigger." The E2 does not.

I must not be understaning the question still...

- Darell
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by txwest:
I think the E2 is available, just not in HA finish.

It is only available in ANY finish if a retailer has left-over stock. I lucked into the last HA at TTS. Everybody I know if is waiting for new shipments from SF. The holidays wiped out most inventory. Shouldn't be longer than a week or so before they start getting them in again.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Of course Darell has already promised to send me his after the new wears off & he decides he doesn't want it any more

While TX is certainly the first in line for when I dispose of my HA E2 - he still doesn't have a snowball's chance in .... uh... Texas.

- Darell
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:

It's been my experience that, while I can't truly "lock out" the tail switch, it is in fact very easy to lock out the bezel.

Brightnorm - That's exactly what I meant. Not really a lock out, but similar result. Thanks for the instructions.

Flash atcha later,
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
Pyrex lens? only if the lamp gets turned on accidently, or are there other advantages I don't know about?

My hope is that it would be more difficult to scratch as well. That's my main concern. But I'll probably buy a beamshaper to slip over the E2.

- Darell