<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
...and you can lock out the tail switch very easily...
It's been my experience that, while I can't truly "lock out" the tail switch, it is in fact very easy to lock out the bezel. Even 1/4 turn will do it. I recommend a full turn for security when belt/holster carried. However, I couldn't guarantee it for pocket carry where it might be constantly jostled by other materials.
Another advantage of the "lock out bezel" is that the E2 can be very conveniently used in "traditional flashlight mode" rather than "tac mode" which requires the use of the rear tail button. Simply tighten the tailcap until ignition, then hold it in the "old fashiooned" underhand grip, ease off the bezel and you have a perfect little "flashlight. The clip acts as a very handy thumb switch.
With this feature (of which many flashaholics may be unaware), I have never really felt the need for a lockout tail cap.
Please note that this trick does NOT work with the 6P and its clones.
Best regards,
PS, I prefer the E2. It has a beautiful jewel-like look which is compromised by the more tech/tac look of the new version.