E2 or E2E?

cave dave

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2001
Whats the difference between the E2 and E2e?

According to the Surefire site it just looks different and has a pyrex lens. Are there any other differences?
Are the lenses replaceable?
e2e is a bit bulkier but waterproof, has a pyrex lens and the anti-roll hex-bezel... i guess it's also a tad heavier than the regular e2 but i don't know wether the lens is replaceable or not.

E2e also has a Lockout tail cap, but apparently all the new regular-E2s have that too- is that right?

Yes, LOTC is standard on all new E Series models.

The Lenses of the Ex and Exe are not user replaceable. I don't really expect you to need to replace the Pyrex Lens of the Exe, although I'm sure that SureFire Customer Service can help with that should it be required.

The Exe is a better light compared to the Ex. I say that because I've carried the E2 and now carry the E2e and haven't looked back.

The E2e is simply MORE waterproof than the E2. Neither one is rated for diving, but the E2e has been shown to work quite well underwater. The main reasons is that the Pyrex lens is easier to seal.

If you had to drop one in the lake, I'd choose the E2e. Otherwise, they'd both do fine in rain, etc.
E2e has a sealed tailcap.Older E1/E2 don't. It is considered the most "non-waterproof" part of E1 and E2 by SureFire(old, non-LOTC).

I had E1,E2,E1e,E2e underwater(2ft) for 75-90min running with no leaks. E1 was in rain and snow 20-30 times, for 10min-5hr time periods. No leaks or condensation.

E2 and E2e are NOT dive lights, but you can SAFELY submerge them in shallow water.

The lens is not an issue according to SF. New E2(LOTC) is just as waterproof as E2e.
I just received my new E2E. Pretty nice light. It's quite bright and seems to throw a nice beam here in the house. As soon as it gets dark, I'll give it a whirl outside in the rain.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SureFire still the only place to buy an E2e? At $85?

Just before the great 'SureFire Price Fix' of 2002 went into effect, (shortly after the 'new prices' started showing up...) I bought a new E2 HA for $59, including shipping. Seems like a *much* better deal than the E2e, every time I use it....

Unfortunately, I doubt that you can buy a new E2 HA at that price anymore; but it was my way to'just say no' to an $85 E2e.
Thanks all,
Well, I bought one today. TTS has to meet the MAP, but they include 4 free batteries with every Surefire purchase (6 total). They are out of stock of the HA for now but he should be getting more. He said he had some gun metals though, call to ask about prices.

Looking foward to my first Surefire. Should be getting it Friday.
Cave dave, you will NOT be disappointed with the E2e, it is the best surefire I own...Congrats on your first Surefire!!

Myself I'd have to go with the E2e, mostly because I like the idea of the pyrex lens and I like the stiffer clip. Also the lock out tail cap and better seals are a huge plus. (However I hear the new E2's come with them as well so that's not a factor if your comparing new E2 to new E2e. I like the anti-roll bezel, just in case I want to remove the clip.

It had been awhile since I had handled a E2 and I'm again amazed at how much they put in a such a small package. Even comparing it to a 6p it's just so much smaller. I'd much rather carry my E2e than even my 3P. Getting as much light and as smooth of a beam out of that small of a bulb reflector is quite a task I'd imagine, and they did it very well.

So I've added a E2e HA to the 9p, 9AN, and 3P. Of those the only one I've been even slightly unimpressed with is my 3P and that was a real dissapointment to me. 15 lumens just isn't enough, and it's a tiny spot and little area light, 30 lumens while harder on runtime would have been more useable for me.

I doubt you can go wrong with either the E2 or E2e, but myself I liked the E2e better.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SureFire still the only place to buy an E2e? At $85?

You can get the E2e from LPS, Botach, AGR, One Stop Knife Shop, TTS and local dealers. Most places are selling them for $76.50 except Botach of corse.
How about the new Limited Edition Ultra-mini E2e. Only about 2 inches long.
I seen those giant tennis balls at Wal-Mart. How much are they?

That's cool! Except, after a 16-year competitive tennis career, I have about a dozen of those GIANT tennis balls...

Nice photography though!

