Tonight I had a good laugh using my E2. First, a little set up. At the end of my street is a stop sign (you know, the optional ones)and traffic coming from the north rarely stops ususally a quick role at best. My street comes from the west and meets this stop sign which is under a large oak tree, creating a nice dark cover over the sign. More often then not these people are surprised there is a walker there. But tonight I had my E2 in hand ready for action. The unsuspecting motorist was moving right along when I was 3 or so feet from the sign and she was about 20 feet with no signs of stopping. Well she got the first burst of my new surefire batteries (all 60 lumens) right in the kisser. She slammed on her brakes (insert slight tire screeching here) and had no idea what hit her. Once she realized what it was, she yelled some obscenity I could barely hear through her windows and drove off. She didn't even let me go, but I got a big chuckle. The guy behind her in a rather large 4x4 let me and my dog go and when he drove by he said "nice job", I just laughed.