E2e on the way...what next? (I have cash left over)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2002
Ok I decided on the E2e and It should be on its way soon. Also picked up a beam shaper too. I have money set away for a KL1 so that is earmarked... BUT I have about $25 left over... SOOOO
1. Buy my third ARC aaa? (I have two OLDER LE's)
2. PT Surge?
3. UKE sl4?
4. Another E2e accy?
5. That streamlight 7 led flashlight that every bodys thinks is a sleeper?

Please help...

Currently I have Ultrastinger and small led lights but nothing in between... Do have a super sport spotlight so I just need something to fill the gaps...
If you have a mini-mag sitting around, the Opalec Newbeam is a possabillity.
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH I forgot about the New beam!!!! A definate possiblility!!!!
While it's always nice to have more lights, I'm going to use a girl phrase - accessorize!!!

Seriously, a holster for the E2e is only $12, 6 SF batteries are $18, SC can be had for $14, spare bulb is $13 and so forth. For that matter, you could buy the new LOLA (MNO2).

If I was spending you're money (I'm good at that) I'd buy the V82 holster and the MNO2. Total cost = $25 plus S&H.
I have older LEs as well. For me they work fine, no flickering, nice and bright and I see no reason to replace them with newer arcs.

Keep in mind when you get your Kl1, you will have to swap heads to use it with your current E2 hence not being able to use both at the same time, so you could consider getting a E2 body/switch only (if that can be had) or like I'm going to do and get an E1 and use the Kl1 on that. If you did that then you would have in increasing brightness, Arc LE, E1 with KL1, E2 and Ultrastinger. That would cover pretty much the whole spectrum of lighting needs.
The surge has a rather small hot spot. And I don't know if there is any observation discreprencies, but since I have burnt my surge bulb and yet to get a replacement... I feel that the PT Tec 40 is just about almost 1/2 to 3/4 as bright as the surge. I had trouble removing the bulb to test a 6 volts 10 watts bulb tho.
I really think the 7-LED sleeper Streamlight is it. Consider how fast they sold out and how you can't find any mention of it anywhere else. All the other lights/accessories you can always get any time.

(Plus the fact that Greg says the Streamlight Pro Polymer 7-LED will be shipped in on Friday -- the day after tomorrow)...get'em while they're hot.
Heck why not get some accessories, those berkeleypoint clips are nice...
Hey, I'm getting that 7 LED one! It sounds like a good light for the money. What's the name of that, anyway?
Accessories! Personally, the most useful accessory I have for my surefires is a holster. Even if I'm not carrying the light on me I leave it holstered for a little added protection. Works great.
Well guys thanks. I should have gotten the Streamlight led propolymer but when This_is_Nascar put up the Surge for sale at a good price I had to snag it. I have always perfered to buy and trade from other members and will continue to do so... I like all the ideas.

I think next on my wish list is that little opalec thingy. Anybody got one to get rid of? OOT til Tuesday!