E2eT 120 lumen and E3eT 200 lumens?

George Orl

Newly Enlightened
Apr 30, 2001
Orlando, FL USA
{also posted at surefire site}There is no doubt in my mind that an E2eT with a 120 lumen P61 bulb would sell like hotcakes because of the coveted small size and powerful beam. It would still be much smaller and lighter than 6P in diameter and length. I know there has been past talk of the 100 lumen bulb for E2e. I would of course buy 100 lumen if the turbo higher intensity bulbs weren't created. I have also advocated for an E3e turbo 200 lumen P91 bulb as well for same reasons. {much smaller than 9P/D3}

It has been stated that turbo heads can efficiently take advantage of higher bulb intensities. Since viewing the proto E2e turbo, it seems the natural evolution. It seems like the cooling fins and pyrex lens on the E2eT proto version would help with the heat problem. Heck, I would not even care if it triggered the thermal shut down within 3-4 min or so like the 12PM since I would rarely use it for that long at a time anyway. Shorter run times most of us would gladly sacrifice for what most knowledgeable folks would consider to be the brightest, smallest, round beam, best engineered light in the world. It would be fantastic to have that much light in such an incredibly small package. But please no diameter increase on its body, only length on bezel if needed, since we already have the thicker M series and 6P/9P models. Like the invention of the laptop computer, it has always been about smaller size and more power. Anyone agree? Would anyone else also line up to order one besides me? Paul, any serious possibility of E2eT 120L or E3eT 200L?