EagleTac P20C2 Neutral RGB Review

I came to the light...

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2007
For consideration for the reviews subforum (if links to the same author's content apply).

Review posted on my website: http://sunriseinfo.us/reviews/p20c2. Output section is still in progress, but it will be worth the wait ;)

Mike at PTS was generous enough to provide the light in the 7th "FASTCAR giveaway" over at light-reviews.com/forum. PTS now sells EagleTacs at EagleTac-USA.com also.

I hope to publish reviews of most if not all of the flashlights I come by after now. Regarding the website, I realize that there are minor display issues in IE, which I will fix as I have the time. My suggestion: use firefox, or better yet chrome ;) Oh, and all those promising links that lead to nothing.... that will change.