Within hilly and mountainous terrain, if you want to be able to communicate, you best bet is going to be Amateur Radio on HF (high frequency, 3-30 MHz) bands using an NVIS (near vertical incidence skywave) antenna. An NVIS antenna is designed to send signal straight up and bounce it off the ionosphere, so that it comes straight back down in a local area radius. This will allow you to communicate over mountains. VHF (very high frequency, 30-300 MHz) bands and higher are limited to line of sight only, which is why cellular telephony communications in mountainous terrain are so difficult.
However, it's also possible that every one in your area might be able to use a local VHF Amateur Radio repeater system, you'll have to investigate your area yourself.
Under no circumstances will you be able to communicate with police using their operational radio systems. Some (very few) police departments may have Amateur Radio communications capability. You'll have to contact your local police agencies and ask.
Everyone you want to communicate with in your family and among your friends will also need to hold Amateur Radio operator licenses and have Amateur Radio transceivers and antennas capable of transmitting and receiving the same frequencies.
There is really no way to limit the distance of radio communications other than by careful selection of frequency, antenna, and transitting power, and even then, atmospheric and space weather conditions can conspire to make radio waves travel much further than is intended.
Citizen Band (CB) radios do not require a license and can operate over very long distances in the 11-metre band, but are legally limited to communications only with a 150 mile range.
Family Radio Service (FRS) radios do not require a license, but are only good for short-range, line of sight communications. General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios require a license, and can use repeaters, but such repeaters are not common. Note that many FRS radios have GMRS capability, but you cannot legally transmit on GMRS channels without a license. You could, if you wanted, set up your own GMRS repeater, but this isn't particularly valuable unless you have access to high ground and/or a radio tower.
Amateur Radio is really your best bet, in most cases.