Eneloop Spreadsheet


Newly Enlightened
Dec 24, 2008
The attached spreadsheet is my attempt to track my AA Eneloop usage and battery status.

I use a Maha C9000 charger for all charging. When I do a breaking or cycle, I set the charge rate at 1300 and the discharge rate at 800.

I use these batteries almost exclusively in a Garmin hand held GPSr.

Since I am by no means an expert in anything.

What can I do to increase the battery capacity when not doing a refresh?

What other data should I be capturing?

Cell # Charge Date Charge/Discharge Rate Tested Capicity Voltage Capicity Gain/Loss (%)

5 2/6/2010 1803 1.45 -10%
6 2/6/2010 1831 1.45 -8% 5 2/14/2010 1885 1.45 -6%
6 2/14/2010 1900 1.45 -5% 5 2/14/2010 1874 1.45 -6%
6 2/14/2010 1897 1.45 -5% 5 2/20/2010 Cycled 3 times 1867 1.46 -7%
6 2/20/2010 Cycled 3 times 1873 1.46 -6% 5 2/23/2010 1860 1.47 -7%
6 2/23/2010 1872 1.47 -6% 5 3/21/2010 1862 1.45 -7%
6 3/21/2010 1869 1.45 -7% 5 3/30/2010 1844 1.45 -8%
6 3/30/2010 1860 1.45 -7% 5 4/6/2010 Break In 1929 1.46 -4%
6 4/6/2010 1933 1.45 -3% 5 4/13/2010 1870 1.45 -6%
6 4/13/2010 1864 1.45 -7% 5 5/3/2010 1852 1.45 -7%
6 5/3/2010 1853 1.45 -7% 5 7/20/2010 Break In 1932 1.45 -3%
6 5/20/2010 1862 1.45 -7% 5 8/10/2010 1884 1.46 -6%
6 7/12/2010 1862 1.45 -7%
6 7/20/2010 Break In 1949 1.45 -3%
6 8/10/2010 1874 1.46 -6%
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Sorry data didn't come out like it did in the preview. I will try to find a better way to format it since I cannot post excel files.
When you post tabular data (assuming it is space delimited, not tab delimited) to get the data show up formatted as you expect, first surround it with the CODE tag and then with a FONT tag - use the font tool to change the CODE content to Courier New -- producing something like this:

[FONT="Courier New"]5 2/6/2010      1803 1.45 -10% 
6 2/6/2010      1831 1.45 -8% 5 2/14/2010 1885 1.45 -6% 
6 2/14/2010     1900 1.45 -5% 5 2/14/2010 1874 1.45 -6%[/FONT]

If your cut and paste from Excel embeds tabs, you'll need to replace those with spaces. It's all a pain, I know...
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potentially you can put them back on charge at a lower rate after having charged them at the higher rate.
AS LONG AS <--- see gotta make sure the disclaimer is there. the terminations are occuring based on the voltage.
while not proper and very bad to do on many charger items, there are a few MAHA charger items that BECAUSE they use voltage terminations you can top them off easily by restarting the charge. by restarting the charge at a lower rate the voltage termination wont be reached till a few more ma are shoved in.
so you still have to MANUALLY terminate the charge.

see all that is improper use of and has issues and problems, but if your aware of what is going on and what all is occuring that can be done.
and it only applies if the above is true. dont be doing that with a charger that is specifically seeking out a V-drop termination only, and dont be leaving it on there till its cooked.
you asked what can be done :) not if it is the best thing for longevity, or the right thing to do :)
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