Well, I am one of those foolish enough to squander their hard earned money on one of these. Since my 'discovery' that the turquoise LED puts out so much more light than the white LED's (comparing my CMG Infinity's, and Arc-AAA's) I decided to buy an aqua/turquoise one.
I really like the light output of the turquoise CMC and Arc-AAA. So I'm expecting this light to really put out a lot of illumination
I'm still waiting for delivery; sometime this week, I expect, and I'll post my 'unscientific review'
Which will likely consist of a eyeball comparison to my other , white LED flashlights.
With the white LS LED finally becoming a light at the end of the tunnel, buying a white one seemed pointless. It's mostly a toy for me while I wait for the Arc-LS to ship.
I think it will be pretty pointless to buy *any* white LED flashlight, before the LS LED's, starting with the Arc-LS, and the inevitable, later single and multiple LS LED's become available.