Energizer two-way light / lantern


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2001
Anyone have any experience with these lights? I think it would make a great general car camping light - a flashlight that converts to a lantern/area light. Saw them at WallyWorld for cheap.
I've seen them at Kmart store but haven't tried them out yet.

Found a similar light called "Eveready Sport Gear 2-Way" Light in a discount store ($3.99 + 8.25% tax = $4.32) which includes 4AA Energizer batteries in the blister pack.

Beam quality is incredible... almost comparable to UK4AA only slightly dimmer, I did not expect it to have such very nice beam for its price. I think it is the positioning of the bulb combined with a nice wide reflector that is responsible for its nice beam of light.

Here is a topic thread by me 2 1/2 months ago about this light.


Btw, last time I checked (last Sunday) there were about 2 dozens of this light on sale still hanging at the flashlight section of that store.

- verge -
It looks like the yellow plastic convertable light has been replaced with this one:

A rubber armored version of the same light.
That's the one!!!

I, too, was browsing through the Energizer web site, and noticed they have two versions - a 4AA and a 4D. The 4AA looks like a nice compact size, but the larger 4D seems more practical for car camping (more light, longer run time, etc.), which is what I intend to use it for.

If anyone has either one, give a shout out!