Energizer / Versalux Mod


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2000
Here is one of the few mods I've ever attempted. I put the 10 LED voltage regulated Versalux module into an Energizer Folding light. Drilled holes in the Energizer lens, removed some material from the white "reflector" (due to clearance issues) and rewired everything. I'll probably glue a small rod to the dimmer pot, but for now it can be dimmed using a small screwdriver.

I wanted a light that could be set down and pointed in the direction needed. So I used what I had around. The Verslux will ultimately end up on my boat, but for now it resides in an Energizer Folding flashlight.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Just came across Quickbeam the Ent in The Two Towers the other day. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quickbeam:
I've been getting this a lot lately... Is the site really that good? I'm serious! Maybe it's just that I'm on the inside looking out - I don't see it from the outside perspective.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
HHHMMMMMMMM........Oh, never mind. You know you really set yourself up here, don't you??? Have you seen what they did to Darrel on the ARC thread?
ron- dont forget whos boss err never mind youll find out later. still quickbeam may be nice and all but remember that hes still just a talking tree
.forgive me ive been giveing myself ego highs with my 200 luman legend lx, my otterlight and my hid for the past hour.

nice mod. youll prrobly enjoy it. btw can another fit in there?
I'd be honored to have you include my mod on your site.
Nice mod! I'll have to try this...

You should mail techass and let them know...they will most probably want to post this mod on their site as well...

I guess it would be pretty silly to use the switch in the "I" position, now, huh?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I'd be honored to have you include my mod on your site.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've been getting this a lot lately... Is the site really that good? I'm serious! Maybe it's just that I'm on the inside looking out - I don't see it from the outside perspective.

Anyway, I'll take that as a yes
. I'll add it as soon as I can.

And yes, do e-mail TechAss and let them know about it. They can link to it on my site - have them send me an e-mail. They linked to Trevor's versalux mod on my site as well.

Done! http://thelightsite_mods.tripod.com/mods/versalux_in_energ.htm
The quick and dirty way, but it's there. If Techass wants to link to it, I have it posted in a special place for them to link to, so they'll have to e-mail me for the proper link.
Doug - Your site is nicely done. Everyone is always there own harshest critic you know.

PS - Just came across Quickbeam the Ent in The Two Towers the other day. This is my first reading so I wasn't picking up on all the Lord of the Rings screen names.