Eternalight ErgoXray


Mar 15, 2002
love my eternalight. its about time to replace the batteries and it seems the tiny galvanized screws holding it together wear out very easily making it very difficult/impossible to unscrew them. i thought about replacing them with stainless or brass screws. has anyone else done this? if so, where did you get the screws? (hardware store, electronics store, etc.)
Don't you may cause the posts to splay or crack. The old generation ones gave me a little problem as I have a heavy hand and would crank them down. I did find that if you do crack the posts, it will only be the front ones and aquarium tubing slipped over and then some epoxy will fix it back.

This is a good time to retire that one to the tackle box/good friend/etc and get a new generation one that has stainless screws and brass inserts.

try writing to Tom Hoops (MrEternalight) at Techass - I'm sure he'll be happy to send you more screws if you pay for postage. apparently, the screws used in the Model 3 series eternalights are non-standard sized, which makes them hard to find.

On the other hand, if you *do* choose to upgrade to the model 4s(ie. the Elites), their stainless steel screws are larger and of standard size. Those brass inserts also make tightening the case a more "confident" affair with the new models.

hope this has helped...