Eternalight Idea?


May 1, 2002
From current threads, it is obvious that some members aren't familiar with the Eternalight. I wonder if it's shape which actually allows for nice pocket carry, doesn't work against it in terms of conventional flashlight design.

I just had this idea of a cast Al case in similar shape and a bit larger than the current Eternalight. Recessed in the head of the body is a Luxeon emitter. There is a slide channel going across the front of the head and in this channel is a focusing lens. Slide the lens over the the LE and you have a spot with throw. Slide it out of the way and the bare LE gives a nice wide area illumination.

Of course Eternalight has shown that with membrane momentary switches, they could offer various levels of illumination as well as flashing and other features. Heat syncing surface area could be integrated into the body. Such a package could host a 1 W LE and maybe even a 5 W LE.

Would such a design have merit do you think?
Earlier this morning I was thinking that someone needed to start thinking "outside the box" on what a high powered hand held or pocket sized led light should look like. I just got an EternalLite marine a couple of weeks ago and am starting to really appreciate its design! Your idea of a side-by-side layout with sliding lenses is an idea worth exploring. Maybe someone can make a mock-up to explore the concept.
Well, there are plenty of people making powerhouses. We'll get there eventually but as you know, that isn't what the eternaLight is about. Our AAA model is consuming most of our design resources at the moment (same unit just smaller). We're hoping that by the time we decide to use Luxeons, they'll have their supply and consistency stabilized. A mahcined housing like ours in AL would be be too expensive. And, the mold for injected AL is quite expensive too. So, if we do it, expect plastic. Keep thinking!
I'm wondering where the SOS mode would do anybody any good, actually. I just can't see it. Sounds good in theory, of course, but in practice? If somebody is looking for you, any light is going to get attention. If they aren't looking for you, nobody would give morse SOS a second thought. To 99% of the population, it'll just look like nothing more than a blinking light.

For me it is a bit of the "we CAN do it, so we WILL do it" situation. That said, if it's gonna flash, it might as well be SOS. What the heck.
Tom et al,

What if future eternalights (and other LS-based lights in general) use thermal polymers (like CoolPolymer) instead of aluminum? The polymers just need to be added to the regular molding resins and shot into the same molds from what I understand. The price will be inched upwards accordingly for manufacturing process and materials, but you could really be getting the best of both worlds.

Actually I have a 6AAA-driven dual-luxeon setup at home and it barely gets warm, let alone hot, so maybe a AAA solution needn't worry about heat that much.

Just my $0.02...
Regarding eternaLite features, I regularly use on and off, of course. I also heavily use the dimming modes. I don't necessarily need 9 of them, but at least 4 or 5 is nice, and it's one of the key features that makes me reach for the eternaLite over something else. I like the fact that there's a momentary-on feature. I haven't used it yet, but may someday. If the light were brighter, I'd probably use it more, and the momentary-on would definitely get used.

AAA light sounds interesting!

OK, maybe I could do without the "Dazzle" and "Strobe" modes. The dazzle is nice, but a hassle to cycle thru when you don't want it. The strobe mode would only be truly useful when used with in conjuction with a known timing - as is, the timing is nearly impossible to determine.

The adjustable flasher mode could be simplified by merging it with an adjustable SOS mode, so, when blinking fast, it just looks like a fast bike blinker. When run more slowly, it'll discernably flash SOS.

Dimming could be reduced to just 4,2 or 1 LEDs, with the 1 LED mode PWMed to the max for ultimate runtime and minimum brightness.

Pulse mode would be nice if it were available all the time, rather than at the end of the cycle.

So a reduced eternalight mode-set could look like this?

- Dimmer mode (4-LED+ autooff, 2-LED, 1-LED)
- Adjustable SOS flasher
- Pulse

Too bad Trasers are illegal - an Eternlight with a Traser built-in would eliminate the need for a night beacon (find-at-night feature).

Even so, I still love *all* my Eternalights just as they are
BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!!! A manufacturer willing to commune with us commoners even to the extent of discussing design!?!

I may just have to start following the EternaLight product line more closely!

(Good thing I was sitting down!) (WoW!)
In my book, the Eternalights are among the few true "flashlights" out there, as in flashable lights, just as their moniker suggests. Not dissin' the Arc-LS here (I love these guys too), but ever tried flashing one with 123 tube - talk about RSI(repetitive stress injury)!

Eternalights are not searchlights or burn-a-hole-in-the-side-of-a-barn Surefires. But as a expanded personal illumination tool, it has few peers that are as talented.

The PAL lights come close in utility design, but one LED makes it too dim IMHO. That's why I picked the Eternalights over the PALs. Of course, for a 1-LED light, the PAL lights are pretty bright as they go, but no match for 4 LEDs.

If 4-LEDs could be replaced by 2 underdriven 1W luxeons (2 'cos one for redundancy backup reliability), I'd be happy too. Of course, If a PAL light had 1 single luxeon, that would solve its brightness issue too.

I always wanted a xray but the reason I never bought one was because there is no regulation. I think the beacon feature is really neat. With a traser or glow cord i can do about the same thing to any of my lights though. I would buy a elite xray if they were regulated, and didnt have that stupid magnet. Also I would rather it come with alkalines if i could get a better deal. the sos and strobe would be cool but whats really neat is the dimmable feature.
I'm going to go against the tide here, just like I did when I professed I liked the SF 6P USA. What the heck. I have 3 Eternalights, the Marine, the Raven 2, & my latest, the X-ray w/nightlight. The Raven 2 was actualy bought for my teenager for a present, but fortunately it's a Christmas present & I get to play with it till then. I'm happy with the other 2 & don't think they can be improved on.....because they're mine, mine, mine, & you can't have them.
Tex -

You go right ahead and keep swiming up stream there buddy. What works for the salmon will work for you too...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hotfoot:
OK, maybe I could do without the "Dazzle" and "Strobe" modes. The dazzle is nice, but a hassle to cycle thru when you don't want it. The strobe mode would only be truly useful when used with in conjuction with a known timing - as is, the timing is nearly impossible to determine.

The adjustable flasher mode could be simplified by merging it with an adjustable SOS mode, so, when blinking fast, it just looks like a fast bike blinker. When run more slowly, it'll discernably flash SOS.

Dimming could be reduced to just 4,2 or 1 LEDs, with the 1 LED mode PWMed to the max for ultimate runtime and minimum brightness.

Pulse mode would be nice if it were available all the time, rather than at the end of the cycle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aye! See? This is what I'm talking about. Hotfoot is usually easy to understand, and half of that just went *whoosh* right through me. I need a flashlight to give me the illumination I want, when I want it. I don't need to be deciding which button to push, and how many times to push it. Or worse, simply never using 80% of the "features" for which I've paid.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
So a reduced eternalight mode-set could look like this?

- Dimmer mode (4-LED+ autooff, 2-LED, 1-LED)
- Adjustable SOS flasher
- Pulse
Now we're getting closer. I can still do without the last two, of course. But for max efficiency, it should not have 4,2,1 LED for dimming. Much better to dim them all. Four under-driven LEDs at the brightness of one spec-driven (Or over-driven) LED will be much more efficient. By orders of magnitude, probably.

Dim it, regulate it, remove the disco lighting, and count me as a customer.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stainless:
BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!!! A manufacturer willing to commune with us commoners even to the extent of discussing design!?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tom has posted here many times and listens to what we say.
I need a flashlight to give me the illumination I want when I want it. I don't need to be deciding which button to push, and how many times to push it. Or worse, simply never using 80% of the "features" for which I've paid.

Ok, you push the power button twice. Then if you want to dim it on 9 levels with all 4 LED's, you push another button. When you're through with the light, push the power button again & it goes off. All the other stuff is free & you don't have to use. I got 2 Marine lights with lithium batteries back before Christmas for $30 each, shipped.

Tex -
You go right ahead and keep swiming up stream there buddy. What works for the salmon will work for you too...

Is this why I have this urge to spawn??
Well my original proposed Al Eternalight lasted until Mr.Eternalight himself chopped that idea off at the knees

But trying to visualize TX swimming up a creek with spawning lust in his eyes certainly makes up for the disappointment.

It's interesting, in contrast, to discuss a light where almost everyone agrees that there are too many features available.

I too feel that this light is designed for the kind of people who look forward to mastering their complicated TV remotes. As TX points out, you can ignore the features you don't want and that is what I have done with mine. OTOH, I have this need to feel a master of my equipment and don't like to be intimidated by a system that I have no intention of learning or completely understanding.

This light is likened to a pager and I think that the comparison is stronger than one might first think. Don't give a pager to someone who is not familiar with one and ask them to check your calls for you. The Eternalight is easy to work without memorizing all the features but I'd be happier with a simplified model for dummies that I could pass a quiz on.

They make a Rave for a certain market.

Perhaps they would consider a simple, no frills model, fully regulated instead, for the brain damaged baby boomers (BDBB's) or wannabes

I look forward to seeing the AAA model.
I agree with Darell's posts. I use the on off and that's it. It's one of the best switches I've seen in a light. The blue beacon light is nice too although mine is stuck on the fridge so I don't need to use it. A small complaint is that I wish all four LEDs would come up at the same time.
A 3AAA Eternalight?!? Uh oh, there goes lunch money for the foreseeable future.

Personally, I don't mind all the features. I like having options, although the dimmer switch is the only one I use regularly. The beacon feature is cool, but I can never remember how to turn it on and off...
Count me in for the 3 AAA version for sure, then I can carry it more regularly. I also don't use many of the modes, really 80% is full on, then 19% is one of the dimmer modes, then 1% showing off. Also 4 or 5 steps in the dimming field is more then enough.