EternaLights rock!


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2000
S.F. Bay Area, CA
I got the original model about a couple years ago and love it as a "Goldilocks Light" for the times when a SureFire is too much for the task at hand and the Photon II on the keychain isn't quite enough.

Have a Model 3 Ergo on order from Tanners; resisted getting this version for a long time because I didn't like the fact that it was basically a bulkier casing for the same light. Have since changed my mind a bit about it because I can see it's superior waterproofness and lanyard loop useful or certain applications like camping.

Yeah! My second first-post-of-a-new-forum!
Hey YeeDude,
Do you get the feeling that your being followed

I got my ergo about 6 weeks ago and I love it. It's a great light, gadget & toy all rolled into one unit
I got mine on Ebay. TA actually sells them there. I got an Ergo Marine for a very good price. It is a cool little light.
If you like the Eterna you'll love the Turbo Spyder; 25 milliamps to each bulb, and when you push the (momentary) "turbo" button it brightens to 40 milliamps!. Very bright! Blinding at night, really. Same size pager box as Eterna. Sure it's got a home-made part or two in it, but it works great, and is extremely solid. Not waterproof, though I wonder if I laid a dental dam (thin rubber sheet) over the works before fitting on the cover if that would waterproof it..I think it would...
..forgot to mention above; the TurboSpyder I refer to uses 10 LEDs! Bright! Long throw too.
Ted, how much did you pay for the 10 LED Turbospyder? The 4 LED one wasn't great. Are they much better now??
10 LED Turbospyder from Brighthings, $64.95 at -
..sorry, never tried the four-led turbospyder..if it wasn't bright enough fer ya, this one should do the trick! Maybe you can figure a better way to affix those strips of aluminum that actuate the buttons (rivets?), and maybe a tighter springier battery holding device..? -- and try not to lose the two little screws that hold the case more thing; you have to stuff in aluminum foil to take up the space when using shorter lithium batteries..

[This message has been edited by Ted (edited 09-04-2000).]
How much brighter is the 10 leds Turbo Spyder as compared with eternal light and with Expedition?

The review by Brock mentioned that the on-off switch has some problems, what is your experience with this light.
Yeah! How does the TurboSpyder 10 compare to the Expedtion??


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SteveY:
How much brighter is the 10 leds Turbo Spyder as compared with eternal light and with Expedition?

The review by Brock mentioned that the on-off switch has some problems, what is your experience with this light.
FYI re Eternalight..

Make sure you get new stock with the new software...if that matters to you.

The new chip allows you to check batteries without removing the case. It may do some other stuff but I am not aware. ( 2.0 ) It is writen on chip with a Sharpie.

There is also a new membrane available. It looks like the original but appears to be thicker around the buttons and slightly more attractive and sturdy. The old membrane is slightly easier to push. Small point... I like both.

I was trying to modify mine and cobbled up the case and had to replace. The MFG offered to do it for 10 bucks if I would send it in. I did not want to be without it so I paid $20 for a new case and did the fix myself. ??? Now I have both membranes. I guess I can keep it for a backup but it looks real study.

FYI mfg has bent over backwards to give good service to me. I only wish I could build a nightlight that has the battery life of it. I am going on OVER 1 month, using it all night long on dimmest setting, and it is still over 1.5 volts on all 3 batteries. Mabye the new version of software 2.0 manages the batteries better.

I am curious to see where the cutoff is. I knew once but I lost the email from the MFG. I am about to sacrifice and leave all 4 led's on on setting "9" and see just how long it runs. I have the Eternalight Marine model below. I was not as happy with a "custom" one I originally had. I loved the features but it seemed to me that battery life suffered.

My daughter (4) talked me out of my new Pal. I have not parted with the Eternalight yet. She is still working on me

I'm probably gonna buy an Eternalight soon, but like so many others I'm having trouble coming to terms with the price. A while back someone sold one that they didn't use much to another member of the forum. If anyone else has one that they don't use much anymore and would like to talk price, drop me a personal message. Thanks.