1. Where to find shops selling Surefire/Streamlight/UKE/Trek(tek-tite)/Longlight etc in Europe
2. Where to find US-shops with inexpensive shipping to Europe.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by recercare: 1. Where to find shops selling Surefire/Streamlight/UKE/Trek(tek-tite)/Longlight etc in Europe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Toolshop ships with no extra cost to any point in the EU, you have to ask how much it is to the free European countries. And tehy take credit cards.
I have found a Norwegian shop. It's rather expensive though. Surefire E2 costs 850 Nkr, which is 94$(US). You can choose between Norwegian or English language. http://www.nfm.as
I have found a Swedish shop. They sell Lucido/Longlight. The Lightwave 4000, which is called Lucido C10 in Europe costs 795 SEK, which is 71.5$ (US) http://www.highsport.se/produkter/produkter.html
Originally posted by JB: I would recommend AGR - http://www.arizonagunrunners.com/ They carry Sure Fire and Streamlight at good prices. Not sure about shipping but I'm sure they can ship anyway you want.
The UK prices are amazing, for all the wrong reasons. I wouldn't consider buying over here.
I'm Thousands of miles away - I have to get it right, because there's no easy way to make changes or return faulty goods.
Tim Flanagan's helpfulness, patience and expertise has made it easier for me. And his prices are good.