Eveready DB 4 AAAA Key Chain Light

Mr Ted Bear

Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2001
Los Angeles, CA

Well, here it is next to some of our favs
ARC AAA, UK 2LE and Infinity

This little guy is very bright and has a very solid, very tightly forcused beam. Brighter and tighter than the UK, MiniMag 2AAA and MagLight 2AA.... in fact, it's not much less than an E1!!

Given that it uses 2 AAAA batteries, and is so much brighter than the others, it probably has a significantly shorter burn time.
Where did you buy it from?

(pssst... you're missing a Princeton Tec Blast from your collection.

I have been bugging the folks at Eveready every few weeks, ever since it showed up here on CPF last July(?). Last week I got lucky, and was able to talk to someone that actually knew what they were talking about. This person told me that marketing jumped the gun, and this light was not scheduled for release till the last quarter of 2001.

She asked me how I found out about the light, and so I told her the story of CPF and us flashaholics etc. She appreciated our efforts, and sent me one. In fact, I told her that it would be better to send it to Craig, Brock or Chris (our professional reviewers) an she said sure... so hopefully they each will be receiving one in the next few days.

She told me that these were just starting to ship this week. First will be Home Depot, Kmarts and Targets

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pooh:

Given that it uses 2 AAAA batteries, and is so much brighter than the others, it probably has a significantly shorter burn time.
Mr. Pooh,-my compliments on your persistence!

Btw-to feed that little powerhouse, you might want to consider those new NimH batts. I mentioned over in th battery forum.
Hi Linfeng

I did see this light in Singapore!

I am still trying to recall where I saw it. I have retraced my steps and as far as my memory serve me, I still can't recall the store I saw it

There are about 5 of these lights when I saw them a couple weeks back. If only I can remember where I saw them...

Xenon www.crv.info
come on..... u can recall one........... come on....... i wan.........
This AAAA DB is widely available in different colors in Hong Kong. The price is round US$3.85 to $6.15 depends on which shop you walk in.
