expensive knives...surefire?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2004
In the Sticks
The surefire line of knives are impressive...but has anyone seen what heckler and koch has to offer? From simple combat folders to really nice handles and damascus blade. Also new on their website www.hk-usa.com some new knife designs. Wish I could have them all but am forced to look and wish /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon23.gif
I've had a look and I'm impressed. Have you ever seen the paragon auto folders? Been a while since I've seen one...but think the HK ones would suit me. Though, not much use for one over here in the UK. It would most definately have to sit in a case...which I think doesn't do them justice. Still nice to look at though.
Paragon is a heck of a nice knife. I've held one a few times, and if I had the opportunity to get one at a reasonable price I would. .
After doing a lot of research, I picked up a Buck Strider 881 Tanto point a while back and I like it a lot...beefy little knife.

People say it's not the workhorse the Strider folders are, but I like it just the same...(don't quite have the $$$ for a Strider right now...:) ) I did look at the Surefire at a local gun dealer...for what it was, I couldn't justify the money. Haven't seen the H&K in person. That one would make a nice compliment to my USP .45 Compact.

The newest H&K knives are made by Benchmade. Saw 'em at SHOT and they were typical BM....Very well made and well designed...

hmm... not bad (HK)... I guess... just not my cup of tea... (Blade shape just does not do it for me..)

Surefire blades? yuck.
To me, the first time you pick up a knife you will know if it is for you or not.