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EZ fix for sticky Mce2s two stage switch


Dec 20, 2003
EZ fix for sticky Mce2s two stage switch

here is a simple fix for those sticky Mce2s switches. critical tolarance is between circuit board and ground. aprox. .022in or .6mm will give you aprox 1/2 turn instead of one full turn between low and high.

sand top of post very slowly to achieve the .022in desired.
you will be rewarded with a clean feeling switch.

mce2s fix.JPG

mce2s fix 4.JPG

mce2s fix 5.JPG
ops, forgot to add. to test out if you want to do this mod.

same thing can be achieved by placing a shimm above the resister board to achieve the correct spacing pictured above.

I came up with this mod, due to dificulties finding a washer with exact demsions needed.

button action also greatly improves.
Thanks, cy! This gives me an idea on how to fix a resistor board that sits crooked.
I am going to try this today.
1/4 turn to get to full power would be nice.

Also, for those that find that the tail switch has a little too much resistance to turn,here is a fix that worked for me.

The orange coloured 'O' ring that fits on the tail cap end
was a strange size when measured with digital callipers. Now my 'new' Aleph II is used and I suppose that it could have swelled , or something. I suspect it is a metric 'O' ring.
However I replaced it with a new -015 , 1/16th ".
This is a slightly smaller by about 0.018" but makes all the difference in the world.

I do not recommend this mod as it might void the water proof sealing. I am just stating what I did for my own experimenting. For all I know, this -015 '0' ring is the correct one and mine had swelled up.
I would like to know the stock # if anyone has that info.
anglepoise, please go slow on the sanding, testing as you go.

to test how close you want to go. simply make some temp washers to force board closer to post or ground.

1/4 turn to full power my be too close.
cy said:
anglepoise, please go slow on the sanding, testing as you go.

to test how close you want to go. simply make some temp washers to force board closer to post or ground.

1/4 turn to full power my be too close.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great advice. I was going to machine off 15 thou but will make up a 15 thou washer first to try.
Great tip! I'm glad this got bumped to the top. My switch is working perfectly now. Much better than just lubing the o-rings with Nyogel. I was this close | | to just purchasing a new switch.

Thanks, Cy!
Glad you like this EZ mod. it really improves the McE2S switch!!

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