Speaking of 'budget lights', I'm reminded of something that's occurred to me recently while reading stuff. I think I have a different take on 'car lights' than many 'round here. Many seem to relegate 'lesser' lights to car duty, but I want the most reliable / good quality thing I can afford to keep there. If / when I need a 'car light', it's likely to be in fairly critical circumstances. I keep my 'lesser' lights around for less critical things.
Edit: I forgot to add that many car lights live in a non-climate-controlled environment, which is also a big consideration given electrical contact oxidation, etc. They need to be made of 'the right stuff'. Then, there's also vibration...
I'm curious, what lights do you keep in your car?
And do you lock your car doors at all times?
Generally speaking I don't keep higher budget lights in my car, although sometimes I do. In part my concern is that I don't want them stolen. OTOH hand I generally keep lower cost lights in the car. The principal reason is: I could give it away to someone who needs it more than me, or to someone who needs one to help ME help other people.
Currently within reach in my car I have:
a 2AA rayovac indestructible, with a traffic wand.
a rechargeable 18650 rayovac with a wand
and a DQG Tini 18650 light.
A really cheap headlamp
I usually keep a few Penlight lights on hand. They are really cheap, and I would be happy to give them away, (Something is better than nothing).
I'm not sure what I have in the trunk, but probably:
an 18 inch traffic wand powered by two D cells.
Maybe another 2 D cell wand
almost certainly a 3C cell Defiant triple LED light powered with a 18650 and adapter, and with a spare set of 3 C Cells.
BTW none of these lights have failed me. Granted many are not used beyond checking to see if they are still working or if the batteries need to be charged,