The differences in machining between V1 and V2.0 are subtle, not essential. Overall the new version comes with more refined, more detailed machining, making the model look more mature and less primitively designed. Let's have a look at some details.
The V2.0 tail section has slightly longer male threads, a longer tail cap, and most notably a nice
transition ('interface') between tail cap end (edge) and flashlight body:
The V2.0-interface is pretty much seamless, whereas the V1 doesn't even have any interface or transition. The edge of the V1-tail cap ends abruptly, looking as primitive as an Armitec headlamp no offense:
Apart from nicer looks, a smooth transition helps against accidental bumps (or cloth catches) against the tail cap edge, or maybe even against ingress of dust, dirt, powder, sand, slime, and grime.
Looks like the V2.0 has a longer coil (spring) but that may well vary between production batches i guess:
The shorter the length of the female threads, the faster/more convenient it gets for the user to unscrew the tailcap oic:
I cannot see any differences between the driver discs from this point of view. Both have in common that the
physical reverse polarity protection works as intended, I have tested it on both models
If you have eyes, then you can see that there are some differences in the machining of the body aha:
The clips have similar total length but, of course, the V2.0 clip's design is optimized for use with the V2.0-holder:
Why does the V2.0-clip have such a wide, fat attachment clamp on the flashlight body? Well, the clip is integral to the "V2.0 headlamp product", so it should never be taken off or get lost by accident. Secondly, the clip must be under much pretension, otherwise the flashlight would slide in slide out too easily from the plastic holder.
I always used my V1 headlamp without a clip. Now i am forced to use the V2.0 headlamp with a clip. Oki then.
I like that the head looks less primitive (less like an
Armitec), less ball-like round. There are 3 faces now when there was just 1 ball-like surface:
It may be a matter of taste but imho too many competitors have the ball-like primitive design. The protruding button switch ring (brass/copper?) on the V2.0 might act as shock absorber, if the flashlight gets accidentally dropped on that part upside down:
Ooyah the cooling fins on the V2.0 are definitely larger, not that it would matter IRL. The edges of the fins feel sharp, they haven't been beveled or radiused, that's fine:
The V2.0 head has clearly less curvature, less curved sections, and more flats:
Apart from looks, does this matter? To me, it does because it facilitates the suggested reversible tape mod!
The old modding instructions (see
post #51) are still valid:
The V1 with old tape versus the V2.0 with fresh tape. Not a beauty but immensely effective to protect against unnecessary scratches. The thick tape also has shock-absorbing character:
Sorry if this animated GIF gives you the eye cancer 🤪, but it exemplifies how the V2.0 head is more suitable for the tape mod:
With this distilled information (split into 2 posts), any V1 owner should be able to make a purchase decision in favor or against the upgrade. Hope this helps!