Fenix LD01 Knock Off


Oct 16, 2008
Rhode Island
Been away for five years and have not bought any new flashlights. Well I'm lying. A Fenix E35UE just arrived yesterday. I like it. Things have changed in 5 years - 900 lumen flashlights for $40 and 1800 lumen flashlights for just over $100.

Anyway I have a Fenix LD01 and want another one but it seems they are discontinued. Recently, I am almost positive I seen an LD01 knock off. Can't remember the name or site but it was an exact replica of the LD01 with the knurled head and and smooth "hex" body. Anybody know what it was or was I dreaming? I know there are probably better replacements for the LD01 but I just always loved the look of it and it seems to be the thinnest/sleekest of anything that's available.
Rayus C01? They seemed to knock off more than just the light...colors, design, etc
don't think I would want a knockoff. may look the same but quality wont be there.

put something in the WTB section. I bet there are a zillion of them out there in draweers
If you look around you can still find some LD01s in online stores. Check ebay or amazon. The LD02 that replaced it has a 10 lumen low which is a deal-breaker for me but might be fine for you.