Fenix LD20 and Eneloops


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2010
Does anyone have the LD20 and run it on procell alkalines? Any idea what run times you get.

I have ordered Sanyo eneloops (2000mah) as have read that they hold their charge well but am still interested in the procells (Thanks CPF members):party:

Has anyone ever had eneloops leak in their flashlights?

If I am looking for a higher run time I thought I may consider Sanyo 2700mah, but how fast do these loose their charge and say be the same performance as the eneloops.

If you use your flashlights often, stick with normal NiMHs.

For me, i use them occasionally, so i stick with Eneloops. its low self discharge keeps me from recharging them frequently.
Selfbuilt has the run time of the L2D listed at about 43mins (turbo mode) on Duracell alkalines in his excellent review of 2xAA lights. See link for more info http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=214890

Now the older L2D tends to have a slightly better run time than the LD20 so as a reasonable guess roughly 35mins is what you would expect with good alkaline cells on the LD20. You have made a very good decision ordering some Eneloops.

My advice would be to stop using any alkaline cell in flashlights such as the LD20 for 2 main reasons - the runtimes will be greatly reduced especially on the higher power settings, and secondly alkalines of all types do indeed leak and it can make a terrible mess...
My advice would be to stop using any alkaline cell in flashlights such as the LD20 for 2 main reasons - the runtimes will be greatly reduced especially on the higher power settings, and secondly alkalines of all types do indeed leak and it can make a terrible mess...
