Mammoth Killer
I am very much enjoying my FF2 that I purchased from the Shoppe and I have found myself searching past threads reading on the evolution of this light. I am curious if anyone can help me understand the differences between the model now sold by the Shoppe and the original tvodrd design. I do realize the obvious change in the tail design and a few other minor details however I am wondering if this version at the Shoppe is any better or lesser than the original. I have seen some incredible prices for the original design and am wondering if it is simply the collector value or was the original simply that much better. I was able to find in past threads that tvodr does some incredible work. It seemed everything this man touched became a classic. I was amazed at the detail of his work and quickly found myself wanting one of his creations. Basically what are the improvements in the current FF2,if any, vs the original? Also could anyone tell me the differences in size of the original tvodr design and the current model at the Shoppe?...thanks