Flashlight Enthusiast
DealExtreme is selling 2400mAh protected cells by Ultrafire. The price is dirt-cheap: $6.75. These are the first 2400mAh protected 18650s on the market. And they're longer than unprotected 18650s, making them more compatible with 168As and 600Ps.
Their protection circuit is set to 1.5C. While this is more conservative than the 2C threshold used by Wolf Eyes and AW (and, I think, Pila), it is probably sufficient to light up a 2.x-amp lamp assembly on one click.
SilverFox, if you're willing to set up an account an order some and test them, I'll PayPal you $20 toward your trouble.
Their protection circuit is set to 1.5C. While this is more conservative than the 2C threshold used by Wolf Eyes and AW (and, I think, Pila), it is probably sufficient to light up a 2.x-amp lamp assembly on one click.
SilverFox, if you're willing to set up an account an order some and test them, I'll PayPal you $20 toward your trouble.