Finally: 2400mAh protected 18650 cells


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2005
Maryland, USA
DealExtreme is selling 2400mAh protected cells by Ultrafire. The price is dirt-cheap: $6.75. These are the first 2400mAh protected 18650s on the market. And they're longer than unprotected 18650s, making them more compatible with 168As and 600Ps.

Their protection circuit is set to 1.5C. While this is more conservative than the 2C threshold used by Wolf Eyes and AW (and, I think, Pila), it is probably sufficient to light up a 2.x-amp lamp assembly on one click.

SilverFox, if you're willing to set up an account an order some and test them, I'll PayPal you $20 toward your trouble.
Nice. I would like to see the results against the AW and the Pila cells to see if these things are really at the 2400mah mark.

LOL - I'd like to be on the record as calling bull&(#! in advance.

If we start a betting pool my money is on 2050 actual.

Tom, are you going to do a round of 18650 analysis?
cue003 said:
Nice. I would like to see the results against the AW and the Pila cells to see if these things are really at the 2400mah mark.

Anyone who wishes to help offset the cost of cells, shipping, and testing can PM SilverFox for his PayPal address!
Tom tested Ultrafire unprotected 18650's and found them stronger than Wolf Eyes and LG's. I will go recheck, and will correct if I am wrong.


I'm back, and it was MicoFire's that did very well.

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MattK said:

Did you mean the batt test link?

The Microfire 2150mah really did well!! Almost spot on capacity rating and good even at high currents.

The LG 2400 as I said in the other thread, was really more like 2250mah (at 1A). Maybe at 0.43A they are actually minimum 2300mah as claimed.

Anyway, just for fun, I bet on 2150mah at 1A :D