Finally Found a Use for Blue LEDs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2006
Land of the Bean and the Cod
I've been a pretty consistent nay-sayer on blue LEDs for years - I just haven't had any situations where they were better than some other color. This week I finally found a personal use for them. Photocopier machines don't "see" yellow highlighter, so I often mark up documents with yellow highlighter and then go back and transcribe the mark up with a black pen, then scan and send to the recipient. The problem is, I can't always see my yellow mark up either.

This week I tried reading them with the blue LEDs on the Kroma turned on - viola! It was incredibly easy to read.

The folks walking by my office wondered what was up with the blue lights... :tinfoil:
So the blue LED made the highlighter(yellow) show up better, Or made the after copied highlight show up better?
I think he's saying that he used the blue LED to light up the yellow highlighting so that he could see it and go over it with a different color.
I always wondered what was a good use for them too. My mind wants me to buy a new Tactical light just so I can try it out with a brand new blue filter...but my bank account knows better!
We have: Blue, Yellow, Orange and Green markup pens in the office - so what you are saying, it gives me an excuse to get a Kroma-MS :devil:
I've never seen any point to blue LEDs either. Supposedly.. in theory.. they make blood stand out better on foliage, (makes it looks black) and so they are often marketed to hunters. I suppose it might come in handy if you shot a deer at dusk and then are trying to track it. In practice, the users I've heard from haven't been impressed.
Blue LEDs are GREAT for fishing at night. The blue light makes fluorescent lures and fishing line really POP! It must be the UV portion of the spectrum but since there is much more visible light coming from the blue LED, I find them far more useful than UV for night fishing. I have a UV light that attaches to my's okay but the blue from my head lamp is WAY better.
Blue LEDs are GREAT for fishing at night. The blue light makes fluorescent lures and fishing line really POP!

Now THAT is an idea that would be practical for me!

I've had a blue led Inova X-5 just sitting around here for years. It was killing me because I really like the build and form factor of that light, but I could never find a good use for it.

Now I can't wait for springtime to try it out during a little night time bullhead fishing.................lovecpf
Glad to help! I think you will really like the way it works especially if you use fluorescent fishing line like Stren blue.

As far as spring I cannot wait either! Sitting here in the Chicago area watching the snow pile up dreaming of the annual fishing trip to northern Wisconsin in May. Can't get here fast enough!!!

Now THAT is an idea that would be practical for me!

I've had a blue led Inova X-5 just sitting around here for years. It was killing me because I really like the build and form factor of that light, but I could never find a good use for it.

Now I can't wait for springtime to try it out during a little night time bullhead fishing.................lovecpf
The first LED 5mm lights was blue and intended for backstage work.
On a theater the backstage area is kept black under the play and blue is the only colour that can be used for navigation without being wisible to the audiense.
While you're busy playing with blue/UV lights in the office, point one at a pair of orange handled scissors sometime. :)
I've never been able to get used to blue LEDs. Something about them. Seems like they make my stomach queezy, as strange as that may sound.

It's UV that makes the markers show up so well, so I suspect the blue LEDs have some spill into the UV range that the markers are reacting to. :)
More likely the other way, because the fluorescent inks accept a broad range of wavelengths. Blue LEDs are usually fairly narrow-band.