Finding it hard to keep up on CPF reading


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 31, 2003
I'm finding it hard to keep up on reading posts on CPF. I've got pages of unread posts. I was gone for a few weeks and got back and spent alot of time here, but I still didn't read everything from that period.

There are whole forums I never get to anymore.

I think it is due to CPF's growth in membership and in the activity of the members. So, it's a good thing...really.

But, I know that I miss alot. I can't seem to even keep up on my beloved Homemade & Modified forum anymore. Then there's McGizmo's forum.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif
Yup. I've been on here all day non stop. And the posts just keep coming. Good thing I needed a day of doing "nothing"
When I was away for three months in late-2002, I too was not able to catch up with all of the threads and posts on CPF.

Things have no doubt become even busier since then, so it's not at all surprising that several weeks of absence has left you unable to catch up with CPF.
BC0311 said:
I'm finding it hard to keep up on reading posts on CPF. I've got pages of unread posts. I was gone for a few weeks and got back and spent alot of time here, but I still didn't read everything from that period.

There are whole forums I never get to anymore.

I think it is due to CPF's growth in membership and in the activity of the members. So, it's a good thing...really.

But, I know that I miss alot. I can't seem to even keep up on my beloved Homemade & Modified forum anymore. Then there's McGizmo's forum.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

it's addictive, informative, and very opinioniated, i've fallen so behind in my work because i enjoy reading some of the threads that interests me. i must pull myself from this so i can catch up with my work and get some shuteye as well. i will wean myself. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif
I went away for about five days and I had to swim up-river for a week to catch up (which I did kind of sparingly). Over the weekends I rarely get a chance to be online, and even then I feel like the world rolls by out of my grasp ...

We need help!
Yeah it's a good "sickness" though! I used to be able to hit the "latest threads" and go back 24 hours at a time...but anymore it's tough just to keep up with the threads that I help moderate!
My wife is mad, my work is suffering, my kids almost forget who I am, I have a constant case of "computer eyes" I named my dog Lumamax and I rarly sleep... But the bright side is I am becoming well informed in the flashlight department.
Pydpiper said:
....I named my dog Lumamax...

[/ QUOTE ]

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif that is the best part!!

I'm sweating bullets about moving. I might be offline for as much as 5 days.

In that time I could easily miss a reflector buy or something equally important!!!

Have pity on me Supermodders!!!
And when you finally get through all the forums each day, guess what? It's time to go back and look for new posts that came in while you were reading. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sick2.gif
2 days away is the max I can cope with ... anything more is difficult to recover. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
what would help is if you could choose latest threads with ability filter out all the forums you have little interest in or just choose to read the latest threads from one forum. I find myself reading twice to three times a day and spending over an hour or so each time. I know when I get employed I will never be able to keep up with the latest threads.
I named my dog Lumamax

[/ QUOTE ]

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif
Hey BC0311 same here its getting harder every day to keep up with the forums!!
yep if you are going over the weekend.. forget about it!
Tell me about it, I only started reading again recently. I *constantly* kept up the reading until last November.

There are posts that I will probably never see, and I just saw that a photo I took in the 2005 calendar that is wrongly labeled too. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif Oh well..

Keeping up with CPF posts is nearly a full time job!

i hope it aint because me when im well i post a lot i try not to but then i think a stuff to say and i cat resist
We all look forward to your posts raggie, don't worry about that.

Keep right on posting whenever there's an urge. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Same here, Brit.

I don't have time to keep up with the LED forum and am astonished that I just typed that.

Can you believe I haven't read every Homemade and Modified thread? I can't believe it.

The only reason I have much of a clue of what the amazing McGizmo does is because a gentleman from Germany takes care to explain it better than Don does.

I can follow tvord only because I live in his monitor. If he buys a flat panel screen I'll have to get rid of the Barcalounger and the toaster oven...the fridge stays no matter what.

I've been using a filtering technique that is faulty. If I see a poorly named thread I'll probably skip it. The problem with this filter is that you can open a poorly named thread and find a CPF brain trust in action.

Growth can make it hard to keep up with everthing but this place attracts the best, the brightest and the friendliest. So, it's all good. The new guys are better every year.