Fire~Fly II for newbies & SO17XA reflector mod


Jul 9, 2004
Hey guys,

As you know I am a BIG fan of the Fire~Fly II. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif IMHO, it is the ideal EDC, and I keep it on my keychain. Here's a recap of how to get started.

1) For newbies who are looking to get their hands on a Fire~Fly, check out this thread for a list of parts to buy from Dat2zip's Sandwich Shoppe. The official list is here . If you buy a drop in sandwich (one that is already assembled and has an LED on it), assembly is very simple with no soldering.

2) Modifications, here are some you should consider (you can also order these from the Sandwich Shoppe). These are mods that I am using and really like. Don't worry, they are very easy to do, if a klutz like me can pull it off, you can too./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

-Mcgizmo clip and split ring for attachment to a keyring
-2 stage switch KIT (includes the allen wrench for screwing it into the Fire~Fly. I went with the 16ohm version, which yields a brighter low setting
-Sandwich retaining o-ring to replace the circular metal retaining ring. Some users have reported the metal ring shorting out their sandwich. I find that the o-ring from the Shoppe works, but is not super secure so I would recommend going to your local hardware store to find the right size.
-Small Dr. Scholl's corn pads. These are circular with a hole in the center and are already the correct size for the Fire~Fly. Just cut out a 1/4 section and place it against the sandwich, and put the 3/4 section in the tail. Eliminates battery rattle and makes a more consistent low power setting. Here are some pics. This is not available from the Shoppe, but you can find them at your local drug store.

And now for the real purpose of my post, the SO17XA reflector mod, which replaces the FF optic. I followed the instructions and pictures in these threads .
I cannot tell you how pleased I am with this reflector. The only tool you need is a Dremel tool with the cylindrical sanding bit that is about 3/4 inch long by 1/2 inch in diameter. Go on the lowest speed setting and take your time. Wear eye protection! The reflective surface has a tendancy to bubble a bit, but the beam still turns out awesome. If you have a square file, I'm sure you can do a cleaner job. The beam is incredible, and is much better than even the tuned NX05 beam. You MUST try this if you have a Fire~Fly or Fire~Fly II. I was able to do 2 of them in an hour or so and I'm a total novice.

A huge THANK YOU to Larry, Dspeck, and all the Fire~Fly experts who came before me and posted their mods on the Dspeck forum. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowdown.gif

keywords: firefly fire~fly fire-fly ff ffII ff-II ff~II ff2
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

Yep! The FF lights are MUCH nicer with reflectors vs. the optics. They just take a little time and patience to get them to fit properly. The reflector MUST sit all the way back right against the Lux in order to achieve proper focus. When this is accomplished, the reflector out-throws any optic by far, while still having better spill.

Rudi's method of turning down the SO17XA using the faucet washer works very well. Follow the above mentioned link and look toward the bottom of the thread for details. Make sure you don't overtighten the screw though.

Ideally, you should leave a lip on the reflector which is then sandwiched between the copper piece and the bezel o-ring. The lip is there so that there is something for the bezel o-ring to seat against, otherwise the lens will be loose with the light assembled, and water resistance is compromised. The only problem with keeping the lip is that the plastic of the reflector becomes paper-thin at the inside corner where it sits against the copper head. If you go slowly, the plastic will only give and distort slightly instead of breaking through (like jtice's did). You need to use some kind of sharp pointed object to make the inside of the corner for the lip, so you risk cutting it off altogether if you're not careful. I turned 4 reflectors and used a 3/8" end mill to cut the lip. However, I couldn't keep from distorting the reflective surface on the inside of the reflector when cutting the plastic. It turns out that this isn't a problem, as the bezel opening on my FFI is the same diameter, so when looking at the light fron the front, you can't even see the line around the perimeter of the reflector. You only notice this distortion in the very outside edge of the spill light, where the light looks a little wavy on *close* inspection. In daily use, you don't even notice it.

Careful measurement is key to making the SO17XA fit perfectly. You need the reflector to sit back all the way, but you still should keep a small lip at the top.

Just for a comparison, my R2H binned Lux I MM+ wide open modded FFI with SO17XA appears nearly as bright as my LionHeart is at full power, but the LH's beam is a bit tighter (due to the larger 27mm reflector). The FFI is not quite as bright as the LH; I'd say it's somewhere between level 4 and 5 (5 being the brightest) of the LH due to the wonderfully powerful MM+ WO. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

*edited to clarify a couple of points*
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

Thanks, sithjedi333. This is a huge service. I also consider the FF2 a fantastic form factor for a flashlight and had just left a message for Wayne on the shop about this question of how to mod the SO17XA reflctor when this thread appeared. And thanks, LEDmodMan- I must say I'm more than little daunted by the job ahead, but now I feel I have a good amount of solid info going in.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

No problem dbrad. I was intimidated at the thought of modding a reflector and dealt with the tuned NX05 for several months. Now that I've done it... don't be intimidated. It is not that difficult, and the resulting beam is SOOOOOOO worth it!

If you don't feel totally confident, order 2 or more reflectors knowing that you might ruin one of them. Read through the two threads to get a sense of what the end product should look like. My take on the two threads, as well as LEDmodMan's techniques is this: there are 2 ways to mod it, the "perfect" way, for those with lathes, vises, drills, etc. Unfortunately for me, I don't have access to such equipment.

The second is the quick and dirty way for those with Dremels. Some folks have done it with just sandpaper! What I am saying is that even the quick and dirty way yields an awesome beam. The reflector may not look great cosmetically. It may have bubbled areas where the heat of the Dremel has warped the reflective surface. But the beam is still awesome. Seriously, you must try it, just take your time. If I could make good reflectors on my first try, anyone can! You will end up with a tiny little light with a beam that rivals any other premium light using a 17mm reflector. Plus that sense of accomplishment for doing it yourself.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I've just ordered two reflectors. I will definitely let you know how it goes. Does anyone know about any sort of Dremel lathe attachment? I've been told it exists, and might make for a more consistent job. Thanks again.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

Sometimes less is more. I have two Dremel rotary tools. The standard plug in the wall type and the battery powered MiniMite. Whenever I work with plastic, like the reflector, I use the MiniMite because it does not have enough rotary speed to melt the plastic reflector.

I used the cylinder shaped sanding tool with the Dremel to cut the edge of the reflector paper thin. The MiniMite worked so well and precise that I was able to save some of the lip of the reflector. The lip holds the reflector in place.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I disagree about needing to leave the lip at the top.
The method I use (you can find it in the links already posted above) doesn't leave a lip and it doesn't even need a dremel -- just an electric drill and some hardware.
I think most mistakes happen when people get caught up in trying to shape the reflector like the optic.
In my experience it's just not necessary.

Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

This is some great info, guys - please keep on posting your reflector (and any other) mods. It is helpful to the newcomers, and does make the FF even better... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

For my part, I've done this a couple of times, but I cut down the copper head, and leave more of a lip on the reflector. I have a lathe to do it with, though, and some of the old-style SO17XAs, with the full skirts, so I have more plastic to work with, too. I recommend this method if you have access to the tools. My EDC FF2 still has its original optic, though, and I'm pretty satisfied with it the way it is. However, in the interests of experimentation (flashaholics never know when to leave things alone... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ) I will probably convert my EDC to reflector. It does give a nice beam, I must admit... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I have a lot of fun playing around with different combination heads on Fire~fly II.
Also fun to change the sandwich modules and Leds /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Flashlight Photo Gallery
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod


Great pics! Where did you get the reflectors are you using? Did you have to modify them to get them to fit?

Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

sithjedi333 said:

Great pics! Where did you get the reflectors are you using? Did you have to modify them to get them to fit?


[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
PM sent
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I finally did this mod. Most of the time since my last post was spent looking for a friend's Dremel tool he was to lend me to do it. When after a few days it didn't turn up, I went out and bought one myself; I'd always wanted one anyway.

It took less than an hour and was easier than I thought it would be without any Dremel experience. I tried several bits that came with the tool, but didn't have a good selection of cutting bits to use rather than ginding ones, as someone had suggested. The medium and fine sanding drums worked as well as an emory grinding cylinder which was slightly easier than a grinding wheel, which is the best thing to use to shorten the height the needed fraction of an inch evenly.

I cautiously experimented my way through the various attachments trying to get a feel of each, starting with a setting of 6 to cut through the outer stuff and quickly adopting a setting of not more than 3 once I felt how much heat was generated by the higher speeds.

I did the method of matching the shape of the reflector, which seemed easier and better than either grinding the copper of the head or adding an O-ring or two. I may have merely lucked out, but it seems to be just the right height, which is critical.

I did break through very slightly in one place, and deformed some reflector near the bottom edge of the constructed rim, but I don't think it affects the beam, as noted by others. The beam IS much improved, and since I bought a second reflector from Wayne's Shoppe just in case, I will make a another stab at it, improving on my technique and try for perfection.

The main point is that my fears of failure have been banished, I've accomplished more of a real mod than dropping in a sandwhich, and my Firefly has a much improved beam. Now if I could only justify a way to pay for this Dremel... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I have some of these reflectors coming and am also going to attempt to fit this into a FF2. I have found that the large fingernail files work well in past reflector shaping experience. I got a 2 pack at WalMart for about 2 dollars in the womens make up section. I tried a Dremel and I kept burning and warping the edges of some other reflectors. I used simple cutters to remove bigger parts and then slowly filed to size. It is not that bad really and the slower movement gave me better control and more detailed measurements. I have even used these on NX-05 optics with good results. It is not the small,thin, cheap files but rather a 2 pack containing much thicker files about 7 inches long each....wish me luck
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I've got a Fire~fly II on the way from Doc. I can't believe that all the time I've spent here on CPF I had never looked here in the Mods area and now that I found the Mod B/S/T - I sense serious danger to the money roll /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif I had been keeping my eye out for a Firefly from the first time I saw one - just didn't realize where to get them. I really look forward to using/ modding it. Although it may be fairly good as is - what are thoughts on the Fraen optic? It sounds like I may want to put in a reflector. Also thoughts on the BB Nexgen 750mA TW0J Sandwich Kit. The FF I'm getting has the NG 500ma.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod


congratulations! try out the BB500 first, it's a good compromise between brightness and runtime. if i were building a Fire~Fly II from scratch today, i'd go with a nextgen bb500. i don't know that you really get that much more brightness at 750ma, and runtime would certainly suffer.

DEFINITELY try out the reflector! in my experience the beam with the Fraen was crap. The NX05 was better after some tweaking. But the reflector kicks ***. It's a must have, and a fun project. The reflectors are only $5, and you'll be pleased with the result.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

sithjedi333 - thanks - I will plan on that for sure. Looks like it is time to get out my favorite modding tool:
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I'm on my 3rd reflector, and the results are better each time. The improvement over the optic is huge, I prefer the reflector's sidespill, but I think I had a particularly bad NX05- it was lopsided- and even all the improvement suggestions didn't help. As for the converter, I did make the switch to the NG750, and I'm really glad I did. with the 2-stage switch (essential) there aren't the runtime issues, and with a R123 or RCR2 (essential, for me) this little light becomes an AMAZING powerhouse. In practical use, and I work in the dark a lot, the low is plenty bright, doesn't heat up, and the high lights up a BIG dark room enough so that the meager throw from such a small reflector actually is usefull in a light that truely fits in your pocket. I carry an extra battery, but never use it. As you can tell, this has been my favorite EDC light, and with the extra sandwich, the CR2 back, the stock of reflectors (and the Dremel tool), one of the more costly. Worth every cent.
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

Robocop - I like that idea even though I've got a Dremel. Maybe take off the big stuff with the Dremel OR to avoid heat build up I might try the whittling method with one of the razor sharp Benchmades. I picked up a bunch of nail files at a garage sale recently without knowing why. Now I know...
Re: Fire~Fly II for newbies & SX017A reflector mod

I'll second that, Matrix. Forgot to mention earlier that for taking the top and bottom edges off, the best thing I found was some medium-fine grit (#200) sandpaper on a hard flat surface. The fingernail file does sound best for the final thickness removal, and I think I'll try it next time too. Thanks, Robocop.