Hey guys,
As you know I am a BIG fan of the Fire~Fly II. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif IMHO, it is the ideal EDC, and I keep it on my keychain. Here's a recap of how to get started.
1) For newbies who are looking to get their hands on a Fire~Fly, check out this thread for a list of parts to buy from Dat2zip's Sandwich Shoppe. The official list is here . If you buy a drop in sandwich (one that is already assembled and has an LED on it), assembly is very simple with no soldering.
2) Modifications, here are some you should consider (you can also order these from the Sandwich Shoppe). These are mods that I am using and really like. Don't worry, they are very easy to do, if a klutz like me can pull it off, you can too./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif
-Mcgizmo clip and split ring for attachment to a keyring
-2 stage switch KIT (includes the allen wrench for screwing it into the Fire~Fly. I went with the 16ohm version, which yields a brighter low setting
-Sandwich retaining o-ring to replace the circular metal retaining ring. Some users have reported the metal ring shorting out their sandwich. I find that the o-ring from the Shoppe works, but is not super secure so I would recommend going to your local hardware store to find the right size.
-Small Dr. Scholl's corn pads. These are circular with a hole in the center and are already the correct size for the Fire~Fly. Just cut out a 1/4 section and place it against the sandwich, and put the 3/4 section in the tail. Eliminates battery rattle and makes a more consistent low power setting. Here are some pics. This is not available from the Shoppe, but you can find them at your local drug store.
And now for the real purpose of my post, the SO17XA reflector mod, which replaces the FF optic. I followed the instructions and pictures in these threads .
I cannot tell you how pleased I am with this reflector. The only tool you need is a Dremel tool with the cylindrical sanding bit that is about 3/4 inch long by 1/2 inch in diameter. Go on the lowest speed setting and take your time. Wear eye protection! The reflective surface has a tendancy to bubble a bit, but the beam still turns out awesome. If you have a square file, I'm sure you can do a cleaner job. The beam is incredible, and is much better than even the tuned NX05 beam. You MUST try this if you have a Fire~Fly or Fire~Fly II. I was able to do 2 of them in an hour or so and I'm a total novice.
A huge THANK YOU to Larry, Dspeck, and all the Fire~Fly experts who came before me and posted their mods on the Dspeck forum. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowdown.gif
keywords: firefly fire~fly fire-fly ff ffII ff-II ff~II ff2
As you know I am a BIG fan of the Fire~Fly II. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif IMHO, it is the ideal EDC, and I keep it on my keychain. Here's a recap of how to get started.
1) For newbies who are looking to get their hands on a Fire~Fly, check out this thread for a list of parts to buy from Dat2zip's Sandwich Shoppe. The official list is here . If you buy a drop in sandwich (one that is already assembled and has an LED on it), assembly is very simple with no soldering.
2) Modifications, here are some you should consider (you can also order these from the Sandwich Shoppe). These are mods that I am using and really like. Don't worry, they are very easy to do, if a klutz like me can pull it off, you can too./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif
-Mcgizmo clip and split ring for attachment to a keyring
-2 stage switch KIT (includes the allen wrench for screwing it into the Fire~Fly. I went with the 16ohm version, which yields a brighter low setting
-Sandwich retaining o-ring to replace the circular metal retaining ring. Some users have reported the metal ring shorting out their sandwich. I find that the o-ring from the Shoppe works, but is not super secure so I would recommend going to your local hardware store to find the right size.
-Small Dr. Scholl's corn pads. These are circular with a hole in the center and are already the correct size for the Fire~Fly. Just cut out a 1/4 section and place it against the sandwich, and put the 3/4 section in the tail. Eliminates battery rattle and makes a more consistent low power setting. Here are some pics. This is not available from the Shoppe, but you can find them at your local drug store.
And now for the real purpose of my post, the SO17XA reflector mod, which replaces the FF optic. I followed the instructions and pictures in these threads .
I cannot tell you how pleased I am with this reflector. The only tool you need is a Dremel tool with the cylindrical sanding bit that is about 3/4 inch long by 1/2 inch in diameter. Go on the lowest speed setting and take your time. Wear eye protection! The reflective surface has a tendancy to bubble a bit, but the beam still turns out awesome. If you have a square file, I'm sure you can do a cleaner job. The beam is incredible, and is much better than even the tuned NX05 beam. You MUST try this if you have a Fire~Fly or Fire~Fly II. I was able to do 2 of them in an hour or so and I'm a total novice.
A huge THANK YOU to Larry, Dspeck, and all the Fire~Fly experts who came before me and posted their mods on the Dspeck forum. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowdown.gif
keywords: firefly fire~fly fire-fly ff ffII ff-II ff~II ff2