There are numerous "schools" that offer competent handgun training.
Rifle training is another matter entirely. The employment of shoulder weapons as Close Quarter Battle implements is a bit more involved than using a handgun, and should be taught by someone who has actually done it.
Many of these "instructors" talk the talk but cannot walk the walk with a shoulder gun. I say that from behind 20+ years of SWAT experience, making dynamic entries in built-up areas, open terrain operations, etc.
There are a LOT of wannabe warriors who have hung out a shingle and claim to be up-to-speed on the latest/greatest tactics and toys. Some are; most are not.
Clint Smith, founder of Thunder Ranch, is one of the best of the breed. Not only does he bring much trigger time (experience), police and military, to the table, but he is one of the absolute best instructors I've yet to meet. Sadly, he is cutting back. He just moved his operation to Oregon, and getting some personal instruction from him will be difficult in the future. He's getting long in the tooth and wants to kick back. He's been operating and teaching for nearly 30 years. He addressed our state firearms instructor retrainer this past September, and told us he's getting tired.
Anyway, choose wisely. You're talking about a considerable sum of money invested, and the last thing you want for an instructor is some armchair commando with weird ideas and a much higher opinion of his ability than is warranted.
I've been out of this loop for several years now, and I normally don't make specific comments on individuals on a public board. Clint is simply outstanding, so I have no reservations regarding his qualifications nor my recommending them.
Look for someone with VERIFIABLE creds. Military spec ops experience is good, and several larger civilian police agencies have produced guys on the cutting edge. Gabe Suarez is one such.
Good luck...