First forge.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 31, 2014
Baltimore Md
Hey gentlemen and lady :)
I recently purchased my first gas forge, and am building up my tools until it gets here. I got a two burner propane forge I found at a reasonable price, and now am in search of an anvil. Until I can really get a nice one, I'll he using a sledge hammer head in a bucket of concrete, unless I find something better. Just wanted to open a thread for any suggestions anyone has for an aspiring knife maker. I am reading more and more information only to find some of it contradicts others. So if you guys had any tips or tools you wish you knew or had when you first started, I would greatly appreciate any guidance you may give.

Thanks so much.
Most important tools if you want to make, at least, a few knifes a month are a heat treatment oven, a bench drill and a KMG style grinder, and of course, having a lot of files, hammers, sandpaper and power tools does not hurt either...

You can start without the oven, but on the long run it will define what kind of steels you use thus in some way also defining the type of knives you will make too.

How's the forging coming? All this talk about lights has reignited my desire to get back into the flames myself!
Great. I have been practicing with some railroad spikes. I have completed a few blades I'm pretty happy with, that I want to get into the oven.

Thanks so much guys for the help. Any input is greatly appreciated.
I've had slab and billet sitting in my garage for the past couple years along with some unfinished damascus. I don't have a forge, hydraulic press/hammer, but that's not really an excuse lol. Glad to see someone's making things happen! :thumbsup:

Here's a little one I put together. Not great I know, but the steel is hard, it's sharp, and I made it from scratch.
Nice knife, great shape. I like the burl. Is it a full tang, no pins? Hard to tell from the glare, but appears more polished than a lot of what I've seen. Probably not your first knife.
Lol no its my absolute first ever.
It could use a little polish, but I kinda wanted to leave it rough.
Full tang yup :)
Epoxied. No pins. Rock solid.
No pins is the only thing that made me gulp. I almost didn't ask! :D Considering the shape of her, you should be ok if/when the epoxy gives lol.

I really want to attempt fossilized wooly mammoth handles w/liners. Never done it before, but have several molars sitting around collecting dust. What makes me nervous is having them crumble apart if by chance they don't get treated properly.

Thought about buying a blade just to get it done, but I really like the idea of making my own -- with scale and hammer marks left on -- like the old school Leukus or Lon Humphrey's Brute de Forge series. It'll probably cost me more than buying one of his, but what's the fun in that!?

Great job with your knife. Still one of the better first or second knives I've seen. Keep 'em coming!
I definitely will. I didn't do just epoxy out of preference or anything, just lack of equipment. I need a drill press badly. :)

Well, got these two for inspiration.
Something about wood look with a hamon. Gets me every time.