First Light USA Tomahawk


Newly Enlightened
Oct 12, 2008
Any comparisons between the different Tomahawk models? The L.E.D.S. appear to change the reflector shape and size. Beam shots would be best of course. I will say I saw the base or standard model to day with no side leds....and that thing is crazy bright. Makes my D10 look like I need to ramp up the setting. I checked the D10 and it was on high. I am just curious if I purchase the Blue and Red Led model, will the overall throw of the main light will be harmed.
This has been asked before and no one seems to own both lights to compare them. The overall amount of light coming from the reflector should be the same, but with a smaller reflector, the multi-color models might have less throw than the others. This is just a guess, however. Some have said that sellers require department/agency ID to purchase LE version. I own one, but cannot confirm whether this is true as I just filled in the entire order form and didn't pay attention to whether or not a field was 'REQUIRED' or not.

It is a great light! It replaced a Pentagonlight Molle light on my LBE strap. It is perfect for my application.