First report that Wurkkos has started shipping USB 14500


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
this post shows a recent TS10SG:

Screen Shot 2025-01-20 at 12.42.45 PM

Stay tuned for reports of protection tripping on Turbo (USB 14500 are protected) …

Also be aware that on lights w firmware 0713-2023-07-29, Advanced Smooth Ramping ceiling is set to Turbo by mistake.

The issue of Turbo tripping protection on USB 14500, will go away as more TS10 begin shipping w the newer 50% FET firmware. (version 0000-2024-04-20)

btw, here is a video showing the LVP warning in a TS10 when the stock Unprotected battery gets to 3.12V

the light will still work until full shutoff at 2.7V, but outputs will be reduced.. I usually recharge much sooner, around 3.6V, when the RGB Aux set to Voltage Display, turn Green.
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