First Tigerlight in Australia


Oct 8, 2002
Just like to share my excitement having received this fine light today. The 110V AC charger is made by Panasonic and intended for a phone system (says the label), so I'm sure a 240V equivalent isn't hard to come by. So to all your Aussie flashaholics, what's your excuse not to have a Tigerlight?

And to all United States flashaholics, you don't have any charger compatibility issues at all. Sell your Streamlights, Magchargers, Surefires, etc. nobody has an excuse not to have one!

[I didn't get paid to say that]

...waiting for the 10hr+ charge for use later on tonight.
You won't be disappointed by the brightness, just don't look directly into the beam to check it out
Well for starters, how do you know it's the first one?

And secondly, I already spent most of my $$ for ____ + ____ + ____ + etc...

Though I wouldn't mind one, since I don't have a rechargable light yet.
My 10x wasn't the first here in Aust, but its the only one in Victoria
, my 10x looks after me pretty well. i guess i don't need a TL.

Tigerlight is a serious light, you will have alot of fun using it. Remember you get full capacity after 7-15 charges and not to run it down to nothing.
Tigerlight Australia fan club - population me.
I'm 90% sure I'm the first and possibly only TL owner in this big brown land. I would love for someone to prove me wrong however.

BTW, I bought a new computer case (with stronger PSU) and modded a cig lighter socket on a drive faceplate just to charge up this light. That's surely gotta belong in "You know you're a flashaholic when..."
A PSU provides much cleaner power than that of a car cig lighter. ATX 2.03 specs dictates the PSU must provide power within 5% tolerance, ie. 12V ±5%. So I'd trust my PSU over a car cig lighter anyday. (And also possible to extract 7V, positive lead to +12V and negative to +5V. I run my case fans that way to minimise noise in winter)

Anyhow, after my second recharge cycle of the TL, I measured the battery to be 8.42V without load. There are 6 cells in the pack, so that's around 1.4V per cell. They seem to have very high capacity too. High brightness and fairly long runtimes. But man does it get hot!

The brightness has to be seen to be believed. It makes a Surge look dim!