Fishing light recommendation.


Jan 18, 2002
I was wondering if the Rage and Attitued headlamp assembly are both interchangeable. Ive read that the Attitude can fit into the Rage body but not the other way around. The reason I want an Attitude/Rage is to take on fishing trips. Currently I have an Arc AAA White and a PT Surge. I used to have a Rage but gave it to someone else. The Arc is almost perfect but I want something a lil bit brighter but not too expensive. The Surge is TOO bright for just looking at the tackle box but good for watching your float. Im getting the new Inova X5 whenever it comes out but it looks so good that I dont wanna scratch it up. lists the Rage for $11 and the Attitude assembly for $3.75. But the Attitude costs $17 and the assembly for the Rage costs $3.75. Im just trying to save a few dollars, plus I dont like the transparent body of the Attitude. What other lights can I get for around $20? Sorry for the long post. Thanks.
fng, for 35$(not sure exactly) you can get a uk 2L thats pretty bright and it's waterproof.i really like the e1e because it can be clipped to your hat for knot tying or if you are lucky landing a monster
I was going to get the 2L anyways but it was going to be for the car. Plus, doesnt the 2L only last a few hours? I dont wanna be spending money every weekend for batteries. The specs on the Attitude says it will run for 150 hours. Im dont know if thats full brightness or not.
The Attitude will run about 9 hours before really dropping off. It is about 35,000 mcd, and the Arc is about 18,000 mcd, so about twice as bright. The Attitude does spill light off to the sides and make the head of the flashlight glow since the whole light is made of a translucent plastic, that sort of bugs me so I swapped it with the Rage. Speaking of Rage, the Rage and Attitude make a good pair, they both use the same body and both use 4 AAA cells, so you only need to carry one size spare batteries. The Rage is just a bit dimmer then the UKE 2L, but smaller also. They are all waterproof.

I am not saying you should get one or the other, just throwing more lights in the mix.
I just got the SL Septor from Bright-Guy, & think it would make a great night fishing light. The LED's are very bright. You have your choice of 1,3,or 7 LED's. For $30, I feel it's a good buy. TX
Thats what im asking. Youre saying the Attitude bulb will fit into the Rage body right? I wanted an all black body (no translucent) thats why im buying a Rage and Attitude replacement. Ill check out the light u said txwest. Ill only need one light at a time so theres no need to buy both the Attitude and Rage.
I just checked out the Septor. Im not a big fan of headlamps so thats out of the question.
So will the Attitude lamp fit the Rage body? I need a clear answer. I want to order tonight so I get it by Friday. Thanks.
Both modules will work in both lights. I think that this makes a lot of sense. LEDs are great on the water - little reflection. Swapping these back and forth works great for this.
I just ordered the Princeton Tec Rage, Attitude, and UKE 2L. Also replacement lamps for both lights. It should be comming in Monday. Total came out to be $70 shipped.
The black body on the Rage / Attitude are translucent and light will spill out from the rear and the sides. To prevent this I painted the inside of the body where light was spilling out with some Testors Enamel Black. Works great, no light spills.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by txwest:
I just got the SL Septor from Bright-Guy, TX<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I couldn't find it on their website? Is there a product#; does SL mean SearchLight?

A little late now but the Opalec Newbeam would have been a good match for you. Nice beam, and great runtime.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ninja:
I couldn't find it on their website? Is there a product#; does SL mean SearchLight?


SL stands for Streamlight. You could get it at Arizona Gunner as well.

I ordered my stuff from brightguy. Ive ordered before and had good service. Thats why I went back. IMO, I think the TTS site is kind of hard to navigate. Also, I dont think he sells replacement bulbs. Ill look up the New Beam right now.
How much brighter is the New Beam compared to the Attitude? The only price ive seen it for is $35 shipped. Also $10 if you dont have a mini mag.
A SureFire M6 would be good. You can cook it with it too...either after you catch it or while its in the water.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FNG:
How much brighter is the New Beam compared to the Attitude? The only price ive seen it for is $35 shipped. Also $10 if you dont have a mini mag.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


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