Hi Group:
This is taxi Ron letting you know that I now suffer from that addiction known as FLAD which is short for FlashLight Acquisition Disorder.I just bought for my cab a PT Surge,for nite reading a INova 5x and a Zipka headlamp plus a SF e2e for EDC. Am I missing anything else? I love the heavy duty construction of the e2e but I need some advice as to what type of carry holster to get? All suggestions are welcome. For good measure I also could not resist getting a electrolumens modified LS Mag lite.
The scary part of this purchase is that I do not feel that I went overboard. Truly a sign of FLAD.
This is taxi Ron letting you know that I now suffer from that addiction known as FLAD which is short for FlashLight Acquisition Disorder.I just bought for my cab a PT Surge,for nite reading a INova 5x and a Zipka headlamp plus a SF e2e for EDC. Am I missing anything else? I love the heavy duty construction of the e2e but I need some advice as to what type of carry holster to get? All suggestions are welcome. For good measure I also could not resist getting a electrolumens modified LS Mag lite.
The scary part of this purchase is that I do not feel that I went overboard. Truly a sign of FLAD.