Hi Group:
This is taxi Ron letting you know that I now suffer from that addiction known as FLAD which is short for FlashLight Acquisition Disorder.I just bought for my cab a PT Surge,for nite reading a INova 5x and a Zipka headlamp plus a SF e2e for EDC. Am I missing anything else? I love the heavy duty construction of the e2e but I need some advice as to what type of carry holster to get? All suggestions are welcome. For good measure I also could not resist getting a electrolumens modified LS Mag lite.

The scary part of this purchase is that I do not feel that I went overboard. Truly a sign of FLAD.
No Ron, the scarey part is your collection has only just begun.
(I would say your choice of lights is a very good rounded collection. I have a DD Double Blaster on order.)
Ron SF has the V82 holster for the E2e. It has a velcro loop so you don't have to unbuckle your belt to don/remove it. They retail for $12.
If you ask Darell maybe he has a spare.
All you're missing is a keychain light. The Arc AAA comes to mind. Don't leave home without it!

Man! It sounds like I should have become a dealer for the V82 holsters. I've had no fewer than 10 reguests for my "extras." Well, right now it looks like I won't have ANY extras between Graham and myself. I wonder if SF would give us a group discount for.... gulp... a group buy?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The LED Museum:
Wait a couple of years and you'll have 290 or 300 flashlights like I do.

I'd be divorced and living with the cat in my car by the time I get half that many, LOL!


Ron, my suggestion is to look at the top two or three lights in any particular category. "Pocket LED", "high-power non-lithium compact", "high-power compact lithium", that sort of thing, whatever types of uses or categories you think you need. You may find that you don't need as many flashlights as some of our esteemed colleagues.
Also, there's a "Flashlights for the car" thread floating around-- very applicable to the taxi.

Good selection already Ron. Welcome to the dark side-- I mean light side.

At least you can justify flashlights as a business expense. I no longer drive a work truck and crawl under raised floors.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DonL:
Originally posted by The LED Museum:
[qb]Wait a couple of years and you'll have 290 or 300 flashlights like I do.
I'd be divorced and living with the cat in my car by the time I get half that many, LOL!


...what? so you got a problem with that...?
:> )
(former New Yawka)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DonL:
You may find that you don't need as many flashlights as some of our esteemed colleagues.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>When exactly did NEED become a factor in how many lights most of us have??
Who in their right mind would need more than one flashlights anyhow? Well maybe a backup for that one... and a backup for the backup.... and a backup for the backup's backup.... and....

As a FLAD you definately need to get an ARC AAA and an Opalec New Beam LED conversion for the Mini Mag light. BUY BOTH NOW! Otherwise we won't take you seriously.

Then start saving up for an LS light like the ARC-LS when they eventually become easily available.