Flashing people in your sleep?


Nov 16, 2008
So I spent the night at my fiance's last night and I slept downstairs on the couch and I ALLWAYS sleep with my light (C2 with 17670 and Malkoff M30 and FM34) and my gun under my pillow. Well Aimee's (my fiance) sister went out and didnt get home until really late (after I fell asleep).

Well Aimee gets home 10 minutes ago and she says "Did you shine your flashlight on Michelle last night? She said when she came in you blinded her with your flashlight and went back to bed?" HAHA Well the scarry part is I have no recollection of shining my light on her and shes not normally one to make up stories. Just wondering if anyone else has ever done this or had this problem?

It really bothers me because if Im shining my light on people subconciously whos to say I wouldnt draw my handgun subconciously? I think for now at least I will start putting my gun near me but not within reach while im sleeping:thinking:
In my case it is nearly the same as you. A moments flash to identify threat/non-threat status and since you didn't need to pull you just dozed back off and forgot it.

Just good training at work. :grin2:
Haha Sgt. glad im not the only one! And Illum Im VERY glad you sleep with your pants on! ohh yea forgot to mention I have had previous sleep walking problems in the past. And supposedly my parents have seen me walk outside in the middle of the night and just stand there for a few minutes and walk in?

Think this would make the first time ive operated something without knowing it. Guess im just THAT attached to my C2? :nana:
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Happened to me, but it's more like I woke up, actually half asleep, replied to a short short phone call and promptly went back to sleep. When I woke up, I forgot about the phone call. :crazy:
I sure wouldn't be sleeping with a loaded gun near me if I knew I was capable of shining flashlights at people while asleep.

My sister used to go down two flights of stairs, turn on the tv, and sit down on the couch, all while still asleep. She wouldn't even know why she was downstairs when she woke up.
Oh man! I have blinded my wife, teen daughter and cats so many times they have no reaction to it.

Not to mention checking outside late at night, and lighting up neighbors coming and going with my SF M6, or whatever I have. They just wave and shake their heads and laugh.
RedLed have you ever had any problems with that? I live in the suburbs :)sick2:) and I tend to shine my lights at tall trees and sheds and stuff and im just waiting for one of my neighbors to call the cops...
I do that stuff all the time. In fact, I do it so often that my wife has a very strict "no weapons in the bedroom" policy.
I really question whether or not sleep walkers should arm themselves or not. I think your "piece" should be secured somewhere other than under a pillow. ;)
Nobody should sleep with a loaded gun in arm's reach, unless locked or secured in a way that you can't open "in your sleep."

Take my word for it.

As I write this, I am holding the 32 page federal investigation with my name on the subject line.
If your conscious state knows how to access a "secured" gun. I'm pretty sure your sub-conscious sleep walking state can do the same thing.

Although grabbing a gun from under your pillow and shooting someone is goin happen way faster than going to the drawer and unlocking and it and pulling it out, heh.
Having a loaded firearm within easy reach of where you sleep can be very dangerous. People have been know to mistakenly shoot their wifes or husbands for simply walking in the bedroom doorway. Two major problems; it's dark and you're still half asleep. I saw a program years ago demonstrating the problem. Even if you have a legitimate intruder your semi conscious mind tends to be a lousy shot.

I'm not saying don't keep a gun near your bed as that's a personal choice. I'm just saying be aware of the risks in doing so, and ask yourself if this is really the best way to protect yourself. I'm more concerned of a burglar taking my handgun then I am of an overnight intruder. Actually I'm usually awake all night and there's usually someone here during the day so my house isn't likely to get burglarized. If I lived alone in a bad neighborhood I might look at it differently.
well just an update on this matter. I always keep my gun holstered and I've put it where I will have to at least sit up and reach for it in order to grab it. But the one thing that makes me not AS worried is that by shining the flashlight on her I obviously recognized that she wasn't a threat and went back to bed. Now if she was a threat I would think that would have startled me enough to wake up but I can't be sure that's why I at least moved the gun out of comfortable reach.

And I see no problem sleeping with a gun under your pillow as long as it's holstered and pointing towards the wall or something.