Flashlight for Girlfriends / Wives


Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2005
What is the best light for a Girlfriend/Wife?

Obviously it has to be:
-extremely easy to use
-Small (must fit easily in purse)

I was thinking the surefire E1L. Its small, bright, easy to use but not "pretty" if it came in say pink it would be the perfect chick light for in the purse.

What do you all think is the best light for the ladies? (Ladies if any please input /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif )
This is an easy question.....the best light for the gf/wife is one that you buy and realise it kinda sucks and you don't want it anymore /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Naaa but seriously though....you can't go wrong with a Nuwai Q3 it's perfectly "purseable" and puts out a nice amount of light for it's size.
My gf had my L4, then I got her a QIII so I can get it back. But she knows its not a Surefire and refuses to carry it. So now she will be carrying a KL4+FB1+R123. Thats what I get for educating her on flashlights. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twakfl.gif
Haha...that's funny.

I gave my mom a Sliver Minimag 1AA (cut down) with a MM lite in it. It looks pretty from the outside, and it is quite functional. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I say the E1L, I am on the hunt for one now for that exact purpose. Now, keep in mind this will be another light for me too, I just wont be the one carrying it.
hogx1 said:
if it came in say pink it would be the perfect chick light for in the purse.

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Good way to get your a$$ kicked by some "chick". A female friend of mine carries a G2Z, along with a S&W .357
Malpaso said:
hogx1 said:
if it came in say pink it would be the perfect chick light for in the purse.

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Good way to get your a$$ kicked by some "chick". A female friend of mine carries a G2Z, along with a S&W .357

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God bless her soul! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif Nothing sexier than a 357 in the right hands.
For her purse I got my wife the Surefire E1e Executive Elite WineLight, very pretty. I put a ARC AAA in the pen holder of her Daytimer and a Inova Micro Light 2 on her badge chain. Don't know if she has ever used any of them but if I don't have any of my lights on me for some reason she will be a good "Backup". /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Try a Surefire Winelight II. I helped a lady obtain one, and even I am impressed by it, it looks so good that even though it would ordinarily never be my first color choice, I'm STILL impressed! She loves the color compared to the regular HA3 OD green finish. I'm the one who goes for HA3 lights.

The Winelight II is basically an E2e in burgundy, and it comes with the low-output 25 lumen MN02 lamp. If you're not happy it's a simple drop-in upgrade to bring it up to the regular MN03 60 lumen lamp.

The ONLY problem with these nice special edition colors is that there is no matching upgrade component for it - I am waiting for the L4-Winelight and the L4-SG. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif The current crop of KL4s is TRULY something to behold.. I stack mine up against a Surefire P90!!
My wife was thrilled with a McGizmo A2/1x123 with purple/black anodizing on the body. With the FT tailswitch, it is small and effective. She keeps it in her purse in a Q3 holster.
I purchased a Q3 for my wife. I'm not sure she'll use it. She doesn't have the flashlight habit and tends to forget she has one. But I will keep reminding her. Especially in a dark restaurant where it is hard to see the menu /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yes, the dark restaurant/menu thing is where my wife loves to pull out her light. Showing off without showing off.
Unless she gets how much lights mean to you ("I lost the light you gave me. Can you get me another Arc AAA when you go grocery shopping?"), I'd keep the selection to good, but not great, lights.
wasBlinded said:
Yes, the dark restaurant/menu thing is where my wife loves to pull out her light. Showing off without showing off.

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are you serious?! You're pretty lucky...if i pulled out my light in a dark restruant to read the menu, i think my gf may just be slighty /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif (embarrased)
Nuwaii QIII is a good choice, I think...small, good output, very good value for the price. Unless she's got an appreciation for lights, this is a good choice.
My vote is the MiniMug of her choice with a MadMax Lite, So17Xa, and a Kroll clickie. That MM lite works great with alkalines.
For less light and money, A Dorcy 1AAA.
My wife:

4D maglite (citizen beater) for her car.
G2 Yellow in her gym bag
E2 that I refinished in Matte Grey/Black in her purse thing, along with my Glock27 and Spyderco that were both mine at one point, but she claimed one day. Like one of my "Cute E1e's"...

I found out that money I spend on her doesn't count if it was mine first.