Flashlight Makers: Quest For Perfection


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Lets have an open discussion about different brands of flashlights that we have information (beyond the promotions and standard stuff).

@ABTOMAT , @mcbrat , as well as other knowledgeable people have some fascinating information about these illumination tools; both historical and perhaps what is going on right now.

Beyond the rich history of legacy flashlights like SureFire, and HDS, we have Oveready, PFlex Pro, Matchbox Instruments, and several others. It is hoped that we will be respectful yet upfront, remembering that some manufacturers are trying to feed their families.

In order for those we will talk about to have an opportunity to respond in a timely manner, I am asking that we not describe what we understand until next Friday afternoon, 2025/01/17 2200 Zulu Time.

Please consider all relevant information you have but let's not make it a bash thread by any means.

If you know someone who has solid information, or is one of those adventurous people passionate enough to design and make flashlights, please inform them! It would be great to hear from those folks. Feel free to tag CPF members on this thread.

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I have a list of makers and current status as far as I'm aware. I'll get it to a more display friendly format. It's much harder to wade through the history since the forum reorg, but will try and provide a synopsis of stuff I know for each.
I'll start with MBI (Match Box Instruments)
Inactive since around 2015-16 I think. I last had contact in 2016 I think.
TGWNN (The Guy With No Name)
started off trying to pull as much out of a 10440 sized light as he could before the current emitters were available to hit that.
HF (Holy Flashlight!) - 10250/10440 Tubes, Hex Head and tail (anti-Roll), tail rotary switch with resistors
HF-R (Round version) - 10250/10440 Tubes, Round Head and tail, tail rotary switch with resistors, tail variations.
Core Ti - dog tag sized neck light. 3 different versions.
==>V1: momentary 4.8mm thickness, CR2025 or 2xCR2012, 2.5 lumens
==>V2: momentary, 4.2mm thickness, CR2016, 2 lumens
==>V3: latching, 4.8mm thickness, CR2016 (late 2014 release)
Torpedo X (beta run): 10250 -> 10440 Extendable Tube, electronics in head, rotary switch at head
Electron (Thing): small keychain indicator beacon. used a tiny button cell. Ti with a silicone cover over the emitter. 3 colors of emitters avail.
Matchbook: small matchstick looking lights using a pin cell similar to how fishing lures work. These were a kickstarter item (or one of those type sites).
There were also add on Accessories for the HF/HF-R lights.
==>Zoom heads in TI/Brass/Aluminum(black)
==>Mule Head in Ti
==>Momentary button switch, Ti/Alum(black)
==>Battery Tube Endcaps to make spares carrier. In Ti and Copper.
There were also battery chargers made. The USB A insert piece had a tiny switch that would activate a tiny LED for an indicator.
==>Fixed length open front in aluminum (black)
==>Adjustable length fully enclosed in Ti

Guy also had his own branded batteries. 10250 sized specifically for the HF lights, 14500, and 18650 though I think only the 10250 were distributed widely. a few of the 14500 and 18650s made it out to some folks though.

I have a full checklist of the lights/parts, as I'm still on a quest to get them all, but still have a few remaining pieces to find.




View attachment MBI-Spare-battery-holders.jpg
Here's a custom makers/modders list I tried to put together. it's not complete by any means...

Status-MakerOfferingsOriginMachining Type
Active-Aleksandr ButakovCustom LightsEuropeCNC
Active-BarrelCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-Brat Guy Enterpises/mcbratCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSAManual
Active-Cool FallCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-Copper and Current DesignsCustom Lights, DriversUSA
Active-CWFCustom Lights, DriversUSACNC
Active-Dawson Machine Craft / LaulimaCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-Drafter DanCustom Lights/EnginesUSAManual
Active-EDC-V Custom MetalworksEDC Items (working a light design)NorwayManual/CNC
Active-Exceed DesignsCustom Lights
Active-FiveMegaCustom Lights, PartsUSACNC
Active-FocusworksCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-FourSevensSmall Run LightsUSACNC
Active-Fraz LabsCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-FreluxCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-Fritz15Custom Lights, PartsGermany
Active-Gift Glow EDCCustom LightsChinaCNC
Active-Hanko Machine WorksCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-HDSCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-Jackson Lee FlashlightsLight Mods/PartsUSAn/a
Active-James H Coburn IVCustom MachiningUSAManual
Active-Kemenes Custom FlashlightsCustom LightsUSACNC
Active-Li Tong Ge/Li Lights/Flashlight LoverCustom LightsChinaCNC
Active-LM ToolworksCustom LightsPhillipinesManual
Active-Lumencraft/Adventure Sport/Vesture of BloodCustoms/M@G dropins/DriversUSA
Active-Lummi/Orrbot DesignsCustom LightsUK
Active-Lux-RCCustom Lights, DriversRussiaCNC
Active-Malkoff/Valiant ConceptsCustom Lights, PartsUSACNC
Active-McGizmoCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Meton BossCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Mirage Man CustomsCustom Lights/EnginesUSAManual
Active-OklumaCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Orrbott Designs/LummiCustom LightsUK
Active-OvereadyCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Peak LED SolutionsCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Peng WangCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsChinaCNC
Active-PlanBTorchesCustom Lights/EnginesCNC
Active-Prometheus LightsCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Reaver EDCCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-ReylightCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsChinaCNC
Active-Sandwiche ShoppepartsUSAn/a
Active-Sigma CustomsCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSAManual
Active-Sinner CustomsCustom Lights/Engines/Clips
Active-SkyLumen (V54)Custom Lights/Engines/Clips/ModsUSA
Active-Tana WorkshopCustom Engine/ModderEuropen/a
Active-TnC/Ogaz EnterprisesCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Yellow Day EnergyCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsCanadaCNC
Active-Quiet-Cryos IlluminationCustom Lights/PartsCanadaCNC
Active-Quiet-FellhoelterCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Active-Quiet-JC CustomsCustom Lights/PartsUSAManual
Active-Quiet-Muyshondt/Photons IntlCustom lights/partsUSA
Active-Quiet-PhotonXCustom Light PartsUSAn/a
Active-Quiet-PinkPanda3310Custom Lights/Engines
Active-Quiet-RotaBladeCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUKCNC
Active-Quiet-RPMCustom Lights/PartsUSACNC
Active-Quiet-TI2 DesignCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSA
Not Active-AER-LightsCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-ARCCustom lights/partsUSA
Not Active-ARCMania/MJPCustom lights/parts
Not Active-ArkadyCustom LightsRussia
Not Active-ArtechHelios custom light
Not Active-Atomic_ChickenAviatrix (first A2 Aviator aftermarket Ring)
Not Active-AWE Custom FlashlightsCustom Lights/EnginesUSAManual
Not Active-BalrogCustom light parts
Not Active-BarbolightCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Black Bear FlashlightsMag Modders
Not Active-ChimoElectronics mods
Not Active-CRXCustom Engine/Modder
Not Active-DatiLEDCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Deadwood Custom WorksCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Not Active-DelghiCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-desert.snakeCustom Lights/EnginesRussia
Not Active-DspeckCustom light parts
Not Active-ElectroLumens
Not Active-ElektroLumensCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-ErinTi lego parts
Not Active-FidgetHQCustom Lights/Engines/Clips
Not Active-flucero28re-flashing drivers
Not Active-GanPCustom lights/parts
Not Active-JasonCCustom light parts
Not Active-Jets22Blackbird
Not Active-Jil LiteKorea
Not Active-jportingaTitanium "Firefly"
Not Active-koalaA2 Aviator aftermarket ring
Not Active-LarryLarryLight, a twisty 123 light that Muyshondt later copied to make the Ion. He never sold any LarryLights, they were given away as gifts to friends. Rare as hens teeth.
Not Active-Leef FlashlightsCustom light parts
Not Active-LensLightCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSA
Not Active-LIJapan
Not Active-Longbow
Not Active-Lumen EssentialsCustom Lights (Chana), Clilffhanger "Clip"
Not Active-LunaLux"Backwards light"
Not Active-LuterCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Mac's CustomsCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSA
Not Active-Match Box InstrumentsCustom Lights/EnginesJapanCNC
Not Active-MilkyModsCustom light parts
Not Active-MilkyspitCustom light parts
Not Active-MJP/ArcManiaCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-ModaMAgCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-ModdooCustom Lights/Engines/Clips
Not Active-Mr. BulkCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Mr. TubeCustom light parts
Not Active-NailBendercustom dropins
Not Active-Notta DesignCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Not Active-Pentagon Lights
Not Active-PEUCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-PhotonFanaticCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Pi Projectssmall custom etched twisty lights
Not Active-PK Design Lab
Not Active-Precision Worksmachining/boring
Not Active-RaLights (HDS)Custom Lights/Engines
Not Active-SaltytriTi/AlumaBronze lights
Not Active-Strong LightsCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSAManual
Not Active-sunny-nitesCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-T&M Design and FabricationCustom Lights/EnginesUSAManual
Not Active-TainCustom Lights/EnginesChina
Not Active-Texas Lumens
Not Active-TmackCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Tranquility BaseCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-UniVex
Not Active-Veleno Designs/Kuku427/Steve KuCustom Lights/Engines
Not Active-Venom DefenseCustom Lights/Engines/ClipsUSACNC
Not Active-VitalGearCustom light parts
Not Active-wquilesPhD-M6 replacement battery pack for the M6 with bulb regulation
Not Active-yaesumofo
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Those match box lights are still being sold but they are being sold as lights for night fishing bobbers.
Sounds like Oveready needs to be moved out of the "Active" column. As someone posted in another thread, their website says they're selling what they have left and no longer producing new items.

Also, I don't know enough about the history first hand, but wasn't there a guy -- Tom something? -- who did driver and LED conversions on the Lunasols? I haven't seen anything from or about him in a long, long time, but his mods were so cool.
McBrat, that non-active list is truly a stroll down memory lane, shocked me how many I've had and passed on to others.

Still have my Mr. Bulk, sold you the Big Eye from it years go. Always wondered how that project you bought it for turned out.
