Flashlight sheaths for Surefire 9P? Maxpedition?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
I'll be snatching up that Surefire 9P when it comes out and I am looking for a good sheath for it. I was looking at Surefire sheaths but I want something a little tougher and I can attatch to my Maxpedition DevilDog when I get it. Do you think the Maxpedition Single sheath will hold it securely? The website says it can hold something 6" long. The 9P is 6.4" long. Think I can squeeze it in there? I saw the universal baton/flashlight sheath, but I'd like to have it completely enclosed.
If you mean the 5" single sheaths designed for the Inova flashlights then I don't think they will fit. I can barely fit my G2 into the 4" sheaths so I will probably have to go with the universal baton/flashlight sheaths if I want to secure my 9P to my Falcon backpack. Maybe a Blackhawk pouch might work? I think there is supposed to be a holster for the Gladius that will also fit the 9P, but it isn't available yet.
Re: Flashlight sheaths for Surefire 9P? Maxpeditio

Hmm.. if the Maxpedition single or double sheaths work, then I'm going to have to order a few /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
However, I don't think these sheaths are compatible with the MALICE-S clips. Not sure how secure the velcro attachment would be /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
Re: Flashlight sheaths for Surefire 9P? Maxpeditio

Well, I think I will just go ahead and order one with the DevilDog and hope it fits!!!
Re: Flashlight sheaths for Surefire 9P? Maxpeditio

I looked all over trying to find one for my c3 and ended up buying some pepper spray just to get the nylon sheath it came with but it fit perfectly and was less than $15.
Re: Flashlight sheaths for Surefire 9P? Maxpeditio

Hi guys - I tried my Surefire Z3, which is the same 6.4 inches long as the 9P is supposed to be, and it's not a great fit in the single sheath - if you extend the top flap to its maximum, and stretch, it will close, but with only about 1/2 inch of velcro contact, and much of the light exposed.

I'm not a fan of this set-up - not enough velcro contact to be secure, the light's not well protected, and it's a tight enough fit that you really need the light to be set for lock-out, or you risk it coming on in the sheath.

YMMV, but it's certainly not a slam-dunk.

Re: Flashlight sheaths for Surefire 9P? Maxpeditio

Ugh. Well thanks for trying that Deanster. At least now I now not to get that one. I guess I'll just get the Surefire one with the detatchable belt loop when I order the light. THanks anyway!!!