flashlights at circuitcity!!??!?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2004
hey guys, been quite awhile since ive been on here. just thought id show you some stuff. i work customer service at circuitcity, and we started carrying gadgets from a company called "nexxtech".... they carry a buncha stuff like Sharper Image. Either way, i bought a flashlight that we sold in the store, and let me tell you this is a pretty good deal for the price. Its made of solid aluminum, has a dual switch for dim/bright. requires a cr123 battery. very solid feeling, and featured a luxeon star. Only complaint is that the lens and the reflector are plastic... you should pick one up!

heres link to my pics of it (all pics starting with nxx):

and heres circuitcitys page:
Hmm a direct drive luxeon powered by 1 123 and pretty darn cheap... How bright is it compared to another common light?
Wow. Looks pretty nice. Not a bad price either. But, the photographs could use some work. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I picked up a couple of these for half price after Christmas. It's a little shorter than the Dorcy 3xAAA 1w, but with a wider head. It's pretty light weight, light enough to hold in the mouth for hands free lighting. The rubber inlay also contributes to comfortable hands free use while biting down. My wife really likes hers. The low level is pretty dim with wide, but very dim side spill. Plenty good for finding your way around the house or outside without much ambient light. The high level has much more useable spill. This light has a pretty tight spot and a wide, but much dimmer spill and throws pretty well. I'd personally prefer a larger spot, but it was worth the price I paid ($17). The switch is a reverse clicky that doesn't allow momentary on, but does allow momentary off by partially depressing the switch when the light is already on. The lanyard attatchment is recessed in the tail, but the lanyard is thick, so it won't stand on it's tail. Removing the lanyard or replacing the lanyard with one that has thin strings at the attachment point would allow the light to stand on the tail cap. I think the light looks nice, but the head's a little big for most people to pocket carry. It doesn't come with a holster. It does feel good in my hand and the swith has nice positive feel and audible click and has a rubber cover over it. The head and tail cap have o ring seals, so the light appears to be at least weather resistant - I have no plans to dunk mine. The star assembly is screwed to the aluminum head with two screws and appears to have alot of contact for heat sinking. The head and tail cap threads appear to be machined pretty well with no signs of cross-threading when reattaching. I don't know about run times because It's mostly used for just short times and my wife and I are still on our first battery.

The two lights were pretty close in tint. One was pretty white and the other was also pretty white, but looked slightly grey when side by side with the other. One spot is almost perfectly round, the other is a little oval shaped. My wife has the one with the slightly oval shaped spot, so I've made no effort to investigate or resolve that issue because my wife hasn't noticed it and isn't concerned by it. She's liked having a light with a lithium battery in her car this winter.

If you go to Circuit City and want to try the light (they don't have demos at the store in my town), just ask the staff and they'll usually open one for you to try. They'd rather do that than have you buy it and return it.

Circuit City customer service was very good with me for the items I chose to return for various reasons.
direct drive - are you sure

it would not run bright or long.

I thought I saw some elec parts around the led.
I bought a few of these during the half-price sale as well, and I consider them an incredible value at that price. Even at the regular price of 35.00 they provide good value. It's a rebadged Nuwai, by the way.

The light is regulated. I'm not sure whether it's voltage or current regulated, but I saw a bunch of electronic parts on the circuit board when I took one apart. The bin code on the two lights I checked is QX1J.

The low level is a bit brighter than my Dorcy 1AAA, so I'd say it's about 4 lumens. It has a bright enough hotspot to provide some throw.

The high level is equal to my Badboy 400 in output, which I'd estimate to be an honest 25 lumens.

These lights should have pretty good runtime, even on one 123 battery. The high level draws a bit under 400 mA and the low level draws only 25mA. That's pretty darned efficient for the amount of light you get.
So tell me about this half-price sale...are these regularly for sale for half price? Seasonal? When's the next one so I can get a couple?
DaveT. It was an after Christmas sale for half price. If you look at the web site, you can see that they are discounted from what they are in the store. Store prices were full price when I was in there a couple days ago.

Also check out the Excalibur SuperBeam 5 LED 2xCR123 light. Very solid build of stainless steel or coated brass with two power levels. I bought two of these as well. Very heavy for 5mm LED lights, so I don't carry them. I leave them in the house or car. If they were a Luxeon light, I'be be glad to carry them because I don't mind the weight if I get some power in exchange for the weight.
Radio shack in Canada carries that exact same model. Radio shack also carries a 3 C-cell 1 watt luxeon model as well for $69.99 CDN. I have no experience with the smaller 123 model but my freind received the 3C model for christmas and it is really impressive for a 1 watt luxeon, it has really good throw and it is really well made and feels really solid. I have a gerber LX 3.0 and my friend really likes the gerber so i'm thinking of trading him for the Nexxtek because I want to try and retrofit a nice Lux III in there /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
LightObsession - thanks for the heads-up.
Kirko - when's the next big sale on these?